One of the sermons I preached some 9 years ago was
based on story in 2nd Kings chapter 7, about four lepers who
reasoned that if they sit and do nothing – they shall die, if they go back –
same thing, death. The only chance was in
the unknown, in going forward.
I find as I grow older it is more challenging to move,
to go from comfort zone. People who move
do so in search for something better.
The dissatisfaction with the present moves people forward in search for
improvements. Looking for a better job,
for a better house, for a better climate – these are reasons to move. For all who enjoys their comfort zone I
invite you to consider another set of metaphors – water pond that has no moving
water turns into a bog, into a swamp overtime; things unused get coated in
spider webs; the road untraveled will overgrow with grass. As long as we are on this side of Christ
return, we are on the journey and moving is a necessity, being a pilgrim is our
mission, going, moving forward, expanding God’s Kingdom.
For the past decade we talked about the need to have
more churches in London that two. Five
years ago we were prompted by a necessity to go forward and plant a Spanish
Congregation. They were meeting in this same Sanctuary in the afternoons,
complicating our local ministries, so
sending the group off to a new location downtown was a step forward for both,
the new company and the local ministries.
Now we are at a brink of going forward again. The two services during the first 4 months
only added complication to our programming and proved that our facilities were
insufficient for increased traffic. We
had benefited numerically in financial giving during those four months, and had
seen an increased attendance. Returning
to one service the numbers had gone down.
The sending off of a cohort to start a new place of worship in West
London will bring the increase for both congregations.
Some are pointing out to urgent needs in the local
church – new HVAC system is needed after the flooding, the fellowship hall
needs renovations. We have not resolved
all internal problems. Preparing for the
send off in October I am asking you all to pray and consecrate yourselves and
families of those who will go forward.
Church planting is a spiritual warfare, the enemy is not happy when a
new territory is gained by Adventist message.
Over the past couple of months number of concerns in and about existing
church has increased, and the temptation is to put things on hold and focus
This week in my personal devotionals I read through
the book Evangelism (p.371) and this one paragraph stood out: “Do not waste time with chronic church
grumblers.--The ministers of Christ should take their position, and not be
hindered in their work by these agents of Satan. There will be enough of these
to question, and quibble, and criticize, to keep the ministers of God
constantly busy, if they will allow themselves to be detained from the great
work of giving the last saving message of warning to the world. If the church
has no strength to stand against the unsanctified, rebellious feelings of
church grumblers, it is better to let church and grumblers go overboard
together than lose the opportunity of saving hundreds who would make better
churches, and have the elements existing within themselves of strength and
union and power.” Strong words! The main point for me – focus outward, go
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