On April 14 someone posted
a video on YouTube “World’s Toughest Job.”
They created a fake hob and posted an ad in newspapers, then conducted
real interviews. The title for the job
was “Director of operations.” The list of
qualifications was exhaustive; and sounded exhausting. “If you had a life, we’d
ask you to sort of give that life up,” the interviewer told applicants. “No
vacations. In fact, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years – on holidays, the workload
is going to go up and we demand that.”
Furthermore, the interviewer demanded that all this be
accomplished “with a happy disposition.”
The job offered no breaks, and little time for sleeping or eating.
Unlimited hours. Oh, and no pay. All without compensation
beyond “the meaningful connections that you make, and the feeling you get from
really helping your associate.” Candidates
described the job as “twisted,” “all-encompassing,” and “inhumane.” Some wondered if it was even legal J.
This prank highlighted the fact that women are
asked to sacrifice their needs, desires – and occasional shreds of their sanity
– while juggling household finances, the physical strains of child-rearing 24
hours a day, and other demands of managing a family life. It collected over 18 million
likes in a month!
Today I want to invite you
to read Chapters 40 and 42 in the Adventist Home, on the misconceptions of the
mother’s work and about mother’s health.
It would do a lot of good to be reminded on the care that we must provide
for our mothers.
Here I just provide a few
lines: “The strength of the mother should
be tenderly cherished. Instead of spending her precious strength in exhausting
labor, her care and burdens should be lessened…It is for her own interest, and
that of her family, to save herself all unnecessary taxation and to use every
means at her command to preserve life, health, and the energies which God has
given her; for she will need the vigor of all her faculties for her great work”
Think of opportunities to
bless our women, mothers of all ages this weekend, and relieve them of the
toughest job of managing all operations, and give them a day of repose, rest,
renewal and recreation. You will be
doing God’s service.
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