Saturday, February 15, 2014

More on Alignment in Church

We did not get enough time at our board meeting, early Sunday morning past week, as we had to sort through a lot of urgent practical activities to do.  And I am hoping that our leaders will take time and discuss the value of being aligned at our next meeting. This week pastors of Western Ontario met to talk about aligning the work of our churches for more impact on our communities.  Pastor Atencio led with devotional on the need of teamwork.  The church as the Body of Christ has no individual victories, unless we win together.  There is no competition in the Church as the Body of Christ but group effort, and it needs alignment!
Have you ever visited a chiropractor? You know about alignment – when your bones and vertebra are aligned you are well and functioning.  When something is out of alignment – it causes pain, tensions, scaring and dysfunction.  For the Body of Christ, the church to seek alignment is to adjust one another, to be in the place we were made and were appointed to be, to consider how we connect with one another, and who we are connected to.  In bone-setting business, often doctor has to break afresh what was set without proper alignment, and then reset it again.
Consider how your life and schedule is aligned.  Are you taking into consideration your church family, the schedule of the church, events planned by different ministries as “body parts”?  Are you involved, do you participate and attend events, seminars, activities of the Church?
I hope you are reading, thinking, and examining yourself, and your place in the Body.  There are a lot of things that we need to transform, we need resurrection from spiritual death and awakening from dormancy.  Education and discipleship is one of our urgent needs. Improvement in leadership and management is needed.  Yet, without proper alignment it will not happen.
Let me share this simple Biblical picture:  Psalm 85:13 Righteousness will go before Him, And shall make His footsteps our pathway.  When we walk in His footsteps, when our path is aligned with God’s path we will all walk together instep!

We either align, or malign.  Apostle Paul was out of alignment, kicking against the goads (Acts 9:5) until he met Christ and got redirected.  Some of us may need the “Damascus Road experience” to recognize our need for alignment.  May the words of psalmist David be your desire - Psalm 37:23: The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way.  May God order your steps, may your steps be in-step with the Church as Body of Christ.  May we all be aligned with God’s Will and purpose, and walk together in unity, rowing in sync. 

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