Saturday, December 28, 2013

Thinking of the New Year

As we went groceries-shopping with family on Christmas day I noticed a young man sitting on the cement floor by the store door, begging.  I hunkered down in front of him, gave him money for a sub, and started a conversation.  He was just out of high school, homeless.  Bright young guy, without caring relationships, to encourage him. 
I have been asking myself lately “how much difference do we really make in the city?”  I am excited that we are taking our involvement at the ArkAid mission to the next level as we would not only serve, but also prepare the food on last Sunday of every month.  We have an opportunity to raise the quality of our service, and engage people in caring relationships.  But it is only one small faucet of what we can and must do!
Since 2006 (that’s 8 years!) our Community Open House ministry had been assisting people in need on monthly basis with parcels of food, clothing and essential items. We had seen relationships emerging, people on the receiving end contributing back, and helping others too.
Gord & Kathy Rayner had led 19 CHIP sessions helping people to improve their health and lifestyle habits, forging relationships with many alumni.
Some are concerned that before we reach out we must not neglect those on the inside.  Charles Spurgeon used to say “if you don’t care for your lambs where would you get your sheep from?” As I look through the archived copies of our Newsletter pictures tell the story of care J In 2006 Pathfinders ministry was restarted and is ongoing steady.  Number of youth had been instructed and influenced in the process. In 2014 over 30 people will be attending the Oshkosh Camporee, with a whole new cohort of young Friends and Companions. I looked at pictures from November of 2006 when Angelina Polihronova conducted a play she had written “Wise and Foolish Builders” – today those kids are teens, involved and present in our church life.  Our VBS programs had reached scores of community kids every summer for past decade.  Since 2007 the Adventist Elementary School (ACES) has been preparing the new generation of young Adventists.  For the past 3 years Adventurers Club has been reorganized under leadership of Lucy Simoes and is attracting and involving more children and parents.
We had prayed for a whole year for all countries of the world; we had encouraged and celebrated the most diverse congregation; we had done public evangelism, affirmed our Adventist roots and heritage with a unique mural produced 6 years ago (no other church has such a historical timeline!); we had prayed with other churches, organizing city-wide 40-days marathon of prayer, we had invited great speakers to interact with the community, our Choir is growing in quality of performances and is planning to travel and bless others with the gift of praise.  
Yet…we are just scratching the surface of the need for transformation in this city.  As we press forward into the new year, 2014, what will you do differently?  Where would you engage yourself to make an impact?  What would you do as an individual to advance the Good News of Salvation in Christ?  What would be your contribution to the mission of our church?

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