Saturday, October 5, 2013

On Being a part of the Body

Today we are selecting a pre-Nominating Committee (new name "Organizing Committee")– five people who will then meet and recommend to you those willing to serve as the Nominating Committee. This blog is a repeat from the last week as it is very important for everyone to consider your individual place in the Body, the Church.
Once a year our church goes through this process of evaluating what we are doing and making necessary changes, adjustments to be a functional and effective for the mission. Apostle Paul says that a church is lacking in gifts (1 Cor 1:7).   Our congregation has all the spiritual gifts granted to different individuals.  We are like a mosaic pieces fitting together into a big picture.  There is are gifts of healing in our church, gifts of prophecy, gifts of leadership, gifts of giving, gifts of mercy, and much more!
The Holy Spirit is in charge of distributing gifts, and He reveals gifts to people who receive them. I trust that you have read Romans 12 and 1st Corinthians 12 and do understand the concept of the church as a Body.  Spiritual gifts are given for edification of the Body, for building up the Church family, for benefit of other believers.(1st Corinthians 12:7) To every servant of Lord Jesus some gift of the Spirit is promised. There is no one who has not received!!!
Consider this statement from the pen of inspiration: “At this very hour His Spirit and His grace are for all who need them and will take Him at His word. The gifts are already ours in Christ, but their actual possession depends upon our reception of the Spirit of God.  If they are connected with Christ, if the gifts of the Spirit are theirs, the poorest and most ignorant of His disciples will have a power that will tell upon hearts. God makes them the channel for the outworking of the highest influence in the universe.” (Ellen G. White, The Faith I Live By. 292)
From the same inspired pen came these words: “the greatest cause of our spiritual feebleness as a people, is the lack of real faith in Spiritual Gifts.” (Ellen G. White, an Appeal in Review & Herald, January 14, 1868)  The members have depended upon pulpit declamations instead of on the Holy Spirit. Uncalled for and unused, the spiritual gifts bestowed on them have dwindled into feebleness. (Ellen G. White, Selected Messages. Vol.1. 127)
When Christians serve in their area of giftedness, they function less in their own strength and more in the power of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual gifts are not an option but a vital necessity in our Church. Your brothers and sisters need your giftedness!!! Your involvement in the process is essential.

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