Saturday, March 30, 2013

Christ is Risen!

Last night we walked through Jewish Passover Seder, explored once more the meaning of 4 promises Exodus 6:6-7 and the four cups based on that.  We looked at the roots of what we know as Lord’s Supper, set at the upper room as disciples were eating Passover meal. 
The Christian world pauses every year during this season to remember what Christ did to manifest God’s love for us.  Having fulfilled the first 4 symbols of the Temple Calendar, namely
Passover – Death of Christ, as the perfect Lamb of God
Unleavened Bread – sinless life of Christ, buried for us
First Fruits – the Resurrection and victory over death
Pentecost – receiving the Holy Spirit as the early rain
We are awaiting three more prophetic fulfillments:
Trumpets – end times warnings
Yom Kippur – the Day of Judgment and cleansing evil out
Tabernacles – Dwelling with God in the New Jerusalem
The first coming of Christ is a historic event toward the further development of God’s Plan of Salvation.  As we commemorate Risen Savior we ought to live in ongoing constant relationship with Him, and call others to Him. It’s not “easter” – it is the feast of the Lord. 
The tendency to commercialise it, just as Christmas is ever present.  Clothing is the item now, just as toys are for Christmas.  While most Americans describe Easter as a religious holiday, less than half of U.S. adults surveyed link it specifically to the Resurrection of Jesus, a Barna Group study shows.
The Resurrection was the most prominent feast in the early church.  Every apostolic letter contained the message of the risen Christ.  Don’t just use this weekend as another long weekend, a personal break from work – but celebrate risen Christ and witness to someone!  Seventh-day Adventists have never given the attention to Easter that other churches do, because there has been no biblical precedent for making it a special day of celebration.  The ordinance of Baptism was presented by apostles as the biblical rite of celebrating death and resurrection of Christ. 
As a disciple of Christ lead someone to Him, disciple someone, mentor a person into relationship with Christ.  That is the best way one can celebrate Risen Christ!  "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age," said Jesus. (Matthew 28:19-20)

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