Saturday, September 8, 2012

Praying for the United States of America

Today we begin 11 days of prayer for the United States.  Many are watching for the presidential election campaign on the way.  The “Ministry” magazine for pastors last issue was themed “Faith & Politics.”  Christianity Today asks a question “Is it OK for a Christian to vote for a Mormon bishop as President?”   Many are elated with Obama’s leadership, and after Michelle’s speech, and then Clinton’s speech, some are already predicting the outcome J.  Facebook is hot with all the comments on the process.  Believers are paying attention to this land of opportunities as it is prophetically implicated in Biblical Apocalypse.  How shall we pray for America?
The first European immigrants, pilgrims, saw it as a Promised Land, and developed their theology about the country as if it was God’ chosen New Earth.  Much has changed over past 400 years.  USA is a secular, culturally and religiously diverse place.  Christianity is declining and is at about 75%, of which 1/3 are Catholics, and 2/3 are Protestant.  Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism are each claiming 1% and growing.  About 16% claim agnosticism, humanism and object to religion. However among those who claim Christianity only about 10% attend churches.  Revival of faith is needed.  Pray for rekindling of true spirituality.
Being the 3rd country in the world by size and population USA is the most influential politically and economically.  For the rest of the world it is the “face” of Christianity.  The window through which the world sees “western Christianity” is American culture which is far from Judeo-Christian values it used to represent.  It’s culture is shaping the world through globalization.  Pray that the Gospel mission would not be compromised and hindered.
Racial segregation is still a reality.  Many churches exist in segregated administrative units.  Our own denomination has 9 “regional” conferences coexisting in the same territories as regular “white” churches.  Pray for integration and unity in Christ.  The fastest growing segment are Hispanics population, and churches.   Pray for the second generation children of immigrants, for the youth, to discover faith and come to know Christ for themselves.  Pray for church leaders to provide opportunities for meaningful service and involve the youth more.
Special need is for the outreach to Native communities. Hurt in the past by imperialistic attitudes, many have false perception of Christ ad the Gospel.  A new approach is needed, new workers are needed.  Asian immigrant communities have connected and shown the best success in reaching out to Native Amerindian groups.  Pray for continuing work of the Gospel.
To whom much is given much is required.  This blessed country also produces contrasting reality of contrast to the insensitive cultural imperialism, selfish individualism, unbridled corporate greed and exportation of immorality through movies, interned and other media (such as pornography, casual violence and shallow materialism). America’s appetite for illicit drugs and massive consumption of fossil fuels cause wars abroad, prop up corrupt regimes and inflict suffering on indigenous peoples of other lands.  Pray for God’s angels constant interference with evil in America.
It is also a place where Seventh-day Adventist Church was born as a result of Millerite revival of 1840s.  American leadership until recently governed affairs of the worldwide church.  Today the situation has changed.  Church outside of USA has grown in numbers and efficiency.  Pray that American cultural values would not stand in the way of church development and unity.  Pray for Educational and health institutions to be faithful to the Three Angels Mission and purpose for which we came into existence.

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