Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pray for Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, San Marino, Sao Tome & Principe

We continue praying for the world, and this week we have a line-up of unique countries.  Today – Senegal, a “most western” country in Africa, yet here Muslim presence is growing fastest in the past 100 years – from 45% to 95%.  Most of the population belong to three powerful Muslim groups. The Mourinde Muslims operate like a separate country and have strong trade links around the world. In every village Muslim leaders have a significant influence over all aspects of life, and few people would make decisions without consulting their towns marabouts (holy men).  Pray for religious freedom for Christian witness.  Also pray for safety and peace as violent clashes in the southern Casamance region between the army and rebels who want the area to be independent from Senegal continue.  25% of population live in capital Dakar.  Pray for city mission and Christian ministries to emerge.
Tomorrow we pray for Serbia, an independent from Yugoslavia since 2006 it was engulfed in ethnic civilian war since inception. Formerly Serbs were majority and ruling group in Yugoslavia, and were the last to let go, fighting Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo.  They also suffered from NATO bombings. Pray for forgiveness and reconciliation and ending of religious hatred.
Monday we pray for Seychelles, 115 islands east of Africa in the Indian Ocean.  Tourism is its major industry and since its independence in 1976 the country has been rising as the highest developed in Africa, even as it has the smallest population.  Adventist presence is about 1%.  Pray that spiritual revival would be consistent, that materialism will not blind people from seeking God.
Tuesday we lift in prayer Sierra Leone, first African country evangelised, as it was founded by Britain in 1787 for returning freed slaves. Yet today 70% of people are Muslim. In recent decades its population got involved in military conflicts and thousands of child-soldiers were taken from families. Pray for growing in Christ and freedom from superstition and occult in this nation.
Wednesday we pray for Singapore, a country that is actually one big city with about 5 million of people.  Extremely wealthy (3rd in the world by GDP per capita!) it is a strategic banking and financing centre in Asia.  The city is culturally diverse with 24 languages of which 4 are official.  It is an important base for sending missionaries, and 35% of students here are Christian, more than in any other country.  However the affluence is a stumbling block for spiritual growth.  Pray for sincere seekers and for missionaries to know how to introduce Christ.
Thursday we pray for San Marino, a small city state (31,000 people) in the Northern Italy.  Catholic dominance forbids evangelical witness by jailing and expelling.  There are few Waldensian believers, few JWs, and no Adventists.  Pray for openness among people and search for truth.
Friday we pray for Sao Tome & Principe, islands west of Gabon near cost of Africa. It is a second smallest African country after Seychelles.  Formerly Portuguese colony, majority are Catholic, but morality is far from Christian.  Statistics show 90% of children are born out of wedlock, especially island of Principe needs Christian witness and mission.

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