Saturday, May 19, 2012

Pray for Myanmar, New Caledonia, Nepal, Nigeria

We continue praying for the world.  Today & Sunday we pray for Myanmar, formerly known as Burma.  In our congregation we have a few people from this diverse country.  It is second largest country in Southeast Asia, twice the population of Canada.  Until last year it was under a military regime for 50 years.  Among predominantly Teravada Buddhist culture there are ethnic minorities that embraced Christianity, but are being persecuted and oppressed.  Pray for especially for Karen and Chin people.  Burma is on the watch list of countries where war is on right now.
Monday we pray for New Caledonia, a large 400 km-long island, the Loyalty Islands, and other smaller coral islands 1,400 km northeast of Australia. It is French territory (former penal settlement) with French citizenship. Until mid 20th century cannibalism was practiced among indigenous people.  Today over 80% are Catholic.  But most Christianized Kanaks often confuse gospel with Western culture, and try to localize gospel message by mixing animist practices under a Christian veneer. Pray for pastors to discern between tradition and the pure gospel.  Adventist church is growing.
Tuesday & Wednesday we lift in prayer Nepal.  Predominantly Hindu practicing population (highest than any other nation in percentage!) it has very small Christian presence.  Christian church started there only in 1952.  Yet under persecution Christian commitment is very strong. Pray for safety of believers.
Thursday we begin an eight-days-long prayer for Nigeria.  Seventh largest populated country in the world, and most populous in Africa!  Comprising 36 federal states it presents a lot of diversity in culture and beliefs.  Three largest and most influential ethnic groups are the Hausa (Muslim), Igbo (Christian) and Yoruba (ethnic animistic).  Northern part is enforcing Islam and is pushing Sharia law.  Pray for safety of Christian communities in that region.  Pray for the capital city where Christians and Muslims are present 50:50 in politics and economic sphere.
45 people groups are unreached and are practicing ethnic witchcraft religions. Oil-rich territory attracts military conflicts for access and control of resources. 
Adventist church in Nigeria has its University – Babcock, and an Adventist Radio recording studio.  Recent boom of movie making industry is transforming the culture of this nation.  Pray that Christian church will use all opportunities for the Gospel.

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