Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pray for Nigeria & New Zealand

We continue praying for the Nigeria until the end of May.  We had began praying for this most populous African country on Thursday, and continue praying for its 160 million of inhabitants for 8 days.
Three largest and most influential ethnic groups are the Hausa/Fulani (Muslim), Igbo (Christian) and Yoruba (ethnic animistic).  Rivalry between these groups has dominated local politics since independence.  Northern part is enforcing Islam and is pushing Sharia law.  Pray for safety of Christian communities in that region. 
45 people groups are unreached and are practicing ethnic witchcraft religions. Oil-rich territory attracts military conflicts for access and control of resources. 
Rapid growth of independent evangelical churches and of Anglican adherents had contributed to unbalanced teachings, and numerous doctrinal distortion, mixing often ethnic religions with Christianity.  Indigenous “spiritual” churches are popular as they offer syncretistic blend.  Pray for church leadership to invest into equipping believers with truth.
The wealth generated by oil industry is unjustly used for upper class, pray for elimination of poverty and social justice.
Pray for mercy and compassion, for service to people where AIDS crisis claimed 8% of population. About 2 million of children are orphaned because of the disease.   Pray that churches would be impacting the youth toward morality and integrity.
Pray for refugees that come from other Central and East African countries.  Pray for Christians to be welcoming, inclusive and caring.
Pray for openness of other evangelicals to the Seventh-day Adventist witness.   Adventist church in Nigeria has its University – Babcock, and an Adventist Radio recording studio.  Recent boom of movie making industry is transforming the culture of this nation.  Pray that Christian church will use all opportunities for the Gospel.
Friday we will pray for New Zealand. With population of 4.5 million the country has significant Adventist presence, proportionate to that of USA.  Two church conferences coordinate the work.  The Northern part is much larger with 93 churches, 13 schools, Tui Ridge Park (a camping facility), Bethesda (an aged care home hospital and village). The Southern island, larger, and called “mainland” has only a quarter of population, and proportionately smaller Adventist church, only 24 congregations. 
New Zealand churches are big on discipleship, church balance and health for natural growth and development.  Pray for church to continue community outreach, especially in the increasing diversity of cultures.  A special need is to witness among Asian immigrants and refugees.
Young people are affected by secular trends.  Pray for church to be relevant and caring for the new generation.
As we consider the Great Commission and pray for the world, as we look into our neighbourhood and see the “universe next door” – witness!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Pray for Myanmar, New Caledonia, Nepal, Nigeria

We continue praying for the world.  Today & Sunday we pray for Myanmar, formerly known as Burma.  In our congregation we have a few people from this diverse country.  It is second largest country in Southeast Asia, twice the population of Canada.  Until last year it was under a military regime for 50 years.  Among predominantly Teravada Buddhist culture there are ethnic minorities that embraced Christianity, but are being persecuted and oppressed.  Pray for especially for Karen and Chin people.  Burma is on the watch list of countries where war is on right now.
Monday we pray for New Caledonia, a large 400 km-long island, the Loyalty Islands, and other smaller coral islands 1,400 km northeast of Australia. It is French territory (former penal settlement) with French citizenship. Until mid 20th century cannibalism was practiced among indigenous people.  Today over 80% are Catholic.  But most Christianized Kanaks often confuse gospel with Western culture, and try to localize gospel message by mixing animist practices under a Christian veneer. Pray for pastors to discern between tradition and the pure gospel.  Adventist church is growing.
Tuesday & Wednesday we lift in prayer Nepal.  Predominantly Hindu practicing population (highest than any other nation in percentage!) it has very small Christian presence.  Christian church started there only in 1952.  Yet under persecution Christian commitment is very strong. Pray for safety of believers.
Thursday we begin an eight-days-long prayer for Nigeria.  Seventh largest populated country in the world, and most populous in Africa!  Comprising 36 federal states it presents a lot of diversity in culture and beliefs.  Three largest and most influential ethnic groups are the Hausa (Muslim), Igbo (Christian) and Yoruba (ethnic animistic).  Northern part is enforcing Islam and is pushing Sharia law.  Pray for safety of Christian communities in that region.  Pray for the capital city where Christians and Muslims are present 50:50 in politics and economic sphere.
45 people groups are unreached and are practicing ethnic witchcraft religions. Oil-rich territory attracts military conflicts for access and control of resources. 
Adventist church in Nigeria has its University – Babcock, and an Adventist Radio recording studio.  Recent boom of movie making industry is transforming the culture of this nation.  Pray that Christian church will use all opportunities for the Gospel.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Pray for Mozambique, Morocco, Netherlands & Antilles, Namibia, Nauru

       As renovations are taking place in our home auditorium, the “prayer map” is down, but we continue praying for the world every day.  Today we lift in prayer Mozambique, former Portuguese colony, with the highest growth rate of Seventh-day Adventists, where 1.5% of population are members of our movement.  Stewardship education is needed to this rapidly growing young church family.  Pray for leadership development.
Sunday & Monday we lift in prayer Morocco.  A country with population and territory like California.  It has had no official Adventist presence until the past decade.  The Islamic fractions are also divided between moderate and extremists, making an outreach very difficult in an environment of strife.  It is a kingdom with stable political situation.  The Arab spring did not affect this nation, as people feared it would bring chaos.  Pray that in time of peace people would search for God, as 80% of people are unreached by the Gospel yet.
Tuesday we lift in prayer Kingdom of Netherland (Holland), or Dutch low-lands.  Over 20% of its territory is below sea level and with global warming rising people are concerned about ecological effects on their land.  It is one of the most affluent European countries.  It’s harbours handle more traffic than any other country in the world.  Yet the affluence is a challenge for church growth, as people are self-reliant and secularism is spread.  The influx of workers from Asia and Africa present a current challenge for integration in the church.  Also pray for the revival of morals in the country known for legal drugs and sex industry.
Wednesday we pray for Dutch Antilles, 5 islands north of Venezuela.  After split by Aruba in 1986 in 2010 these islands dissolved, giving independence to Curaçao and Sint Maarten.  Predominantly Christian, an outreach is needed to Asia workers.  Pray for Biblical literacy and Biblical education to take place at churches.
Thursday we lift in prayer African nation of Namibia. Former German colony it is least densely populated South African country.  German heritage comes through 50% of people adhering to Lutheran church. Other 40% are evangelicals.  However, AIDS epidemics claim 15% of its people.  Pray for revival of Christian values.
Friday we lift in prayers Nauru. It is a small republic of 10,000 on a raised coral atoll 300 km west of Solomon Islands.  Rich in phosphates it was strip mined first by Germans, then by British in the past.  Currently shrinking economy is leading to spiritual revival.  A third of population are Catholic, other 60% are Evangelicals.  Mormons & Jehovah Witnesses established their organizations there too.  Adventist message is new and congregation is very small.  There is only one Adventist church on the island in Port Macquarie.  Pray for openness of other evangelicals to the Seventh-day Adventist witness. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pray for Mexico, Mauritania, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat

We have been praying for Mexico since beginning of this month and will continue tomorrow. Today people of Mexico celebrate Sinco de Mayo, a commemoration of May 5, 1862 when the Mexican army was victorious over French forces at the Battle of Puebla. Currently the drug war escalated and Mexico is listed as one of 59 countries in the world where military conflict is on today. Pray that there will be victories in the Spiritual war against powers and principalities of darkness, that the church and individual Christians will be victorious for the Kingdom of God. Pray for church leadership to nurture people for peace and serving others.
Monday we lift in prayers Mauritania, predominantly Muslim country where Christians are persecuted, and slavery still exists. There is also a racial divide between white Moors who ruled southern Spain in Middle Ages, and black African tribes. Less than 0.3% are Christians. Pray for Gospel to enter this land.
Tuesday we lift in prayers Monaco. 2nd smallest state (after Vatican) with 99% Catholic adherence. Located on French Riviera it’s less than 2 sq km large with 32,000 population, and has highest in the world GDP per capita – $187,000 per person! No unemployment as 48,000 workers commute from France & Italy to this state. Most densely populated (2nd after Chinese Macau) Most expensive real-estate in the world. It’s source of wealth is gambling entertainment for world wealthy elite. Pray for materialistically busy people to seek God.
Wednesday we lift in prayers Mongolia. Least densely populated (after Greenland) this land is new to Christian influence. Christian church is only one generation old and already grown to 3% of population. One third are Buddhist, but majority are animists, following shamans, spirit worship and ancestral superstitions. 86% are not reached at all with even knowledge of the Gospel. Adventists have grown to 1700 and have 4 churches there. Pray for spiritual formation of young leadership.
Thursday we lift in prayer Montenegro, a new country which emerged from the break-up of Yugoslavia in 2006. Evangelical community is growing rapidly in this predominantly Eastern Orthodox land. As the country surfaces from troubled socialist past, the organized crime and corruption are main concerns. Pray for openness to Christianity in spite of economic troubles. Pray for churches commitment to justice and waling in truth.
Friday we will pray for the Caribbean island Montserrat, nearly destroyed by a volcanic eruption. In 1995 the historic capital city of Plymouth was destroyed and two-thirds of the island's population fled when Soufriere Hills volcano became active. In 2010, February, continued eruption buried the remnants of W. H. Bramble Airport. Adventists that remain constitute 12% of population. There is an awakening in churches from the nominal Christianity of the past. Pray for revival to continue among those who are committed to stay on the island and work on its rebuilding.