This week we will begin a 6 days of prayer for Mexico, starting on Tuesday, and until next Sunday. The country has double the saturation of Adventist believers than USA! 0.6% of population in Mexico embraced Adventist mission and message.
Today we lift in prayer a small central European country Moldova, east of Romania with a similar culture and language. The republic was a part of the Soviet Empire and continues with Communist tradition present. Past two decades harmed the Gospel work as the ethnic and military conflicts between Gagauz Turks, pro-Russian Transnistrian separatists, pro-Romanian nationalists, and communists drag on. Adventist presence is relatively high – matching that of USA, triple than what we experience here in South Western Ontario. With a population equal of South Western Ontario there are 11,000 believers and 160 churches! Recent wave of emigration, youth leaving for better opportunities in the West, hindered growth and outreach of the local church there. The country is also listed as one of the poorest in Europe. Pray for commitment of Adventist church for ministering to the community.
Tomorrow, Sunday, we pray for Mauritius, a group of islands east of Madagascar, with half of population Hindus. Past Christian history of hyper-ecumenism paints proselytizing, changing faith, or preaching conversion as imperialistic and intolerant. Adventist church is growing successfully. Pray for unity among believers as the church grows there.
Monday we pray for Mayotte – two islands west of Madagascar, with a small population 200,000 and a small Adventist church of 60 people. Predominantly Muslim, with minor French Catholic Christian presence, the people are not open for evangelical mission. Pray for freedom and opportunities to witness.
Mexico is the world largest Spanish speaking country. Very diverse population with 297 languages spoken, besides the Spanish. There are still unreached groups of people, marginalized Amrinidians - Chatino, Yaitepec, Nahuatl, Mixteco, Zapoteco, about 10% of population, which worship ethic religions.
Church is trying to meet many human needs – poverty among rural and exploited slum-dwellers. 60% of people struggle with poverty. Corruption exists at all levels of military, police and government, allowing for organized crime to continue in power. Massive drug trade and trafficking is surrounded with gang violence. This sinful structures bring a lot of money to Mexican economy and the negative impact on souls of people is overlooked. Wealth accumulated by criminal cartels and their ruthless attitude toward people is a cover for tough spiritual warfare and demonic oppression in the country. Drug addicts number almost 1% of population. Pray for church as it ministers to the afflicted.
Next Sabbath people of Mexico will celebrate Sinco de Mayo, a commemoration of May 5, 1862 when the Mexican army was victorious over French forces at the Battle of Puebla. Pray that there will be victories in the Spiritual war against powers and principalities of darkness. That the church and individual Christians will be victorious for the Kingdom of God.
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