After praying two weeks for China we are moving on to pray for more countries. Today and tomorrow we lift Columbia in prayer. The fourth largest country on South American continent it also has been the most violent place. 75% of world production of cocaine comes from its cartels. Military and political conflicts on both sides, leftist socialist guerrillas and right-wing paramilitaries both abandoned ideological agendas and have effectively become gangs profiting from cocaine and kidnapping. Medellin, an urban centre, nations crime capital is hard to the gospel mission. Pray for church to be strengthened in the cities. Native Amerindian people often turned into refugees because of violence. More than 50% of them have not heard the Gospel. Similar situation is with people of African descend – holding to their native religion in the environment of fear. Adventist church is about 300 thousand strong. Pray for our fellow believers to make a difference for Christ.
On Monday we invite you to pray for Comoros Islands, where almost entire population is Muslim. NO Adventist presence is known there. 780 mosques are present, but no official churches. Pray for the quiet witness of Christian missionaries.
For the rest of the week we will pray for Congo. First for the Republic. For three decades after it’s independence in 1960 people were subjected to Marxist-Leninist ideology and atheism. Church is very small, restoration and growth of the Christian witness is needed.
Then for three days, Wednesday-Friday we invite you to pray for the most violent place on African continent, a place where no woman is safe – formerly known as Zaire, Democratic Republic of Congo. This country, second largest in Africa, has been the site of the African World War since 1998, with 9 other nations involved and over 20 armed groups. More than 7 million were killed over past decade. Prevalence of rape and sexual violence is the worst in the world. Kivu region, the site of coltan mining (mineral for cell phones) is a non-stop conflict between groups eager to get rich quick. Even though Congo’s share on international market is about 13%, and other countries in the world produce most of it (Australia 50%, Brazil 26%, Canada 6%), because of instability it is a cheap unregulated source and warlords use it for their advantages.
Adventist church is large. In the country of 70 million there is half a million of Adventist believers. Pray for reconciliation, peace, end of war, binding of demonic powers, and growth of the Gospel among people. Pygmy people, despised and humiliated by Congolese tribes rarely get even a chance to become refugees, yet there are the most evangelized group in the country. Pray for their spiritual strength in adversity.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!
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