For a whole week we (twenty four Londoners) were fellowshipping with thousands of Pathfinders from Ontario, Quebec, Jamaica, Barbados north of Ottawa, deep in the bush, static – no cell phones, no internet!!! The theme displayed on t-shirts, and paraphernalia was “Fan the Flame” (Ravivez la Flamme). The song lyrics said:
There’s a flame burning low, so afraid to let it showWe saw 27 children baptized. I had a privilege baptizing two youth, a 13 & 19 years old Spencer Kozachenko & Paula Nardone, whom I knew from our previous work in Niagara District. I had another privilege of teaching the subject I am passionate about – the Sanctuary. Every day for two hours large groups attended, not for the sake of getting an “honour patch” awarded, but seeking a deeper understanding of the Adventist message.
But I need the world to see, the plan God has for me.
Let everyone see the flame, let all God’s children proclaim
That we have a truth to share, let our flame spread everywhere
Fan the Flame, fan the Flame, forever we will worship Jesus name
Coming home, even on my vacation, I continue interacting with church members, and this week my mind was on this simple question – are Adventists in London fanning the Flame of the Gospel? A passage from Paul’s second letter to Timothy came to mind: “I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord...” (2 Tim1.6-8 NIV)
Some of you may be more familiar with King James version rendering “stir up.” The Greek word there anazopureo means to rekindle, to stir up the fire. It reflects the passion of prophet Jeremiah 20:9 saying “God’s word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.”
How is your spiritual fire? Are you kindling it with prayer, are you stirring it up into high blaze with acts of kindness and service, are you letting the fire of God’s spirit mould your character?
I invite you to consider your personal relationship with God, your personal connection with the Holy Spirit. I noticed visitors from the “reform” movement coming by our church Wednesday nights during the Prayer meeting, seeking those who are sincere, and seeking to enter their homes with a message “get out of Babylon,” implying that our church is “confusion.” Let me remind you that the Church is what we make it to be. If you are on fire for God, the church is on fire for mission. Check your fire, fan the Flame, reignite the church family for service and mission!
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