All around the world huge billboards warn people of the Judgment Day coming on May 21st 2011. Here in our city three are at least 3 (that I’ve seen) large signs posted. Different signs. Some claim the return of Christ on that day. The end is "not yet" and it’s just the beginning of the 153 days, so the final end is supposed to hit on October 21st. These are not some local weirdoes – it is all over the world, in every country, in every major city!
Among various Adventist churches there are voices asking questions about the shaking, has it began? Different denominations have different terminologies. The concern is similar: when will be the Return of Christ? Another popular Adventist missionary-preacher, David Gates, advocates the year 2031 as the boundary beyond which God will not wait, but he forewarns that the days “will be shortened for the sake of the elect,” hinting that Christ may come earlier.
How should an average believer react? In spite that the Bible says no man knows the nor the hour (Mark 13:32), some claim that enough evidence is given through Hebrew calendar and faithful will be warned. The “secrecy” is attractive, it has an appeal, like any Gnostic teachings – the special elite is privy to secrets that promise safety. Wouldn’t you want to know too?
Some of our church members are asking me also if we should pay close attention to the date and billboards. My answer is simple – TOTAL NONSENCE! There will be no rapture that day. The dead who ever lived and died in the past will not rise up on May 21st 2011. We as a church as a remnant movement have had so much light regarding the end-time events that it is embarrassing to even be bothered by time-setters.
If you look at some of the reasoning, its falsity becomes obvious. For instance this date is based on the fact that it will be the 7000 years anniversary since the Flood of Noah, and 13,023 years from Creation. According to their calculations September 7, 1994 the 2300 days of tribulation ended and latter rain was poured. The list is long, ridiculous and bizarre. I did send an email to one of leaders from the responsible for all the advertisement, asking if they would have integrity to apologize to people after May 21st and October 21st when nothing happens. (By the way this “message” has scores of websites prepared covering all possible questions).
But I also wonder if in our zeal to hasten the Second Coming and to spur people into repentance we are not doing similar cajoling. Back in 1908 when the London congregation was dedicating its first building on October 11 the event speaker, newly elected Conference President Elder Eugene Leland preached a sermon entitled “the Eastern Question” causing a stir by the announcement that the Second Coming of Christ is at hand, and will occur when the Turkish Government is overthrown. The London Free press picked up on the announcement and it was quite a stir in the city, agitating people’s wonderings.
We know that these predictions are false, because they are not consistent with the Bible prophecies, the Message of the Book of Revelation and Biblical hermeneutics. But should we sit silent? Should we react at all? Should we just shrug our shoulders and not be bothered?
Considering the media stir of 2012, we must use every opportunity to call people to allow Christ into their lives, to point people we know to God’s Plan of salvation. We must boldly and publically teach people Biblical truth. We intend to offer a special two weekends message November 18-27 on Prophecies of the Bible. Any time setting only causes discouragement and more cynicism, as people grow more jaded toward any futuristic hope. Our message must be focused on our present state of being in Loving Relationship with God and each other. True readiness does not come from waiting for a date, or from calculating and puzzle solving obscure riddles, but from having Christ within by the Holy Spirit, from having love as the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)
The question you must ponder right now is this: What is my relationship with Jesus? Is the Holy Spirit in me? Am I fully surrendered to God? Are my friends safe? Seek Christ and rest assured in His promises that God never does anything without revealing it to his servants the prophets (Amos 3:7) who are the Commandment keeping people (Revelation 12:17; 19:10)
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