Earlier this month in my
sermons I shared with you Biblical importance of “seeing.” Blindness is contrasted in the Scripture with
Vision. One of Jesus’ parables used the
image of blind leading the blind, and both falling into a ditch. Apostle Paul spoke firmly to believers in his
day that it is devil who darkens our understanding, who blinds our sight (2nd
Corinthians 4:4). Apostle Peter
challenged believers that if they are not willing to look at the big picture
and have a balanced all-inclusive wide-ranging faith, then they have forgotten
their salvation and short-sighted to blindness (2nd Peter
1:5-9). The verdict to Laodicean final
days church is “blind” and the message is to get cure, to be able to see
(Revelation 3:17).
I shared with you the
importance of Vision among the leaders.
Greek term episcope, is translated as supervisor, overseer, bishop – all
implying Vision, Seeing – it is the word for eldership!
What do you see ahead? What is your vision of preferred future? How far do you see?
For the last few months
our elders had been grappling with a common shared Vision for our church as we
come to meet together. I had met with a
Leadership consultant Andre Thomas on the same subject. He asked me a question that caught me by
surprise: “What is the culture of your church?” Hmm.....What is our culture? Our values reflect our underlying
culture. What are those values? A year ago the Board of elders produced a
document “Towards becoming a Prevailing church” outlining those values. Was it for real, or was it only wishful
thinking? What’s on a paper but not in our hearts is not really a culture. Just like the Law of God, when it is on the
stone, outside of us – at best it leads to legalism of trying hard to act
out. It is not until the same Law is in
our heart, and we act from within those values that we could claim the Culture
of the Law. Same with our church’s
Vision, a statement on a banner, a write-up in the document is not it, until it
is internalized in our dreams, in our hopes, in our heart.
Allow me to share just a
few fragments of my vision of a
preferred future for our church:
church services, sermons, teaching events are broadcasted online, marketing our
product beyond our walls
in various parts of the city where groups meet weekly to converse about
spiritual lessons of Sabbath worship, to nurture new believers and to support
each other socially, emotionally, materially
of Ministry where people are taught Biblical Doctrines, Spirituality, Mission
and are equipped for Ministry continually
community where everyone know each other’s business and helps one another to
endure in love until Jesus returns.
could call it “Church without Walls”
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