Saturday, September 25, 2010


Last week’s Prayer meeting circle expanded again.  And the sharing time was especially warm.  I felt and knew the Presence of the Spirit was with and among us.
This series of blogs was prompted by a line I read in the writings of Ellen G. White where she says that “the prayer meetings should be the most interesting gatherings that are held.” And it made me wonder “how.”  What would it take for it to be reality?  Last week I shared that the advice she gives is that every person must take a responsibility for this, and our own prayer life, with which we begin our days is the key, staying tuned into what God is doing in our lives prepares us for prayer of thanksgiving and testimony.  Interesting people having interesting things happen make interesting prayer meeting!
Today I like to bring to bring to you the rest of the statement, where she warns about lack of concern about prayer meetings and the substitute formality that exists in many churches.  She says that many prayer meetings are “frequently poorly managed. Many attend preaching, but neglect the prayer meeting. Here, again, thought is required. Wisdom should be sought of God, and plans should be laid to conduct the meetings so that they will be interesting and attractive. The people hunger for the bread of life. If they find it at the prayer meeting they will go there to receive it.  Long, prosy talks and prayers are out of place anywhere, and especially in the social meeting. Those who are forward and ever ready to speak are allowed to crowd out the testimony of the timid and retiring. Those who are most superficial generally have the most to say. Their prayers are long and mechanical. They weary the angels and the people who listen to them. Our prayers should be short and right to the point. Let the long, tiresome petitions be left for the closet, if any have such to offer. Let the Spirit of God into your hearts, and it will sweep away all dry formality.”  (Testimonies to the Church, Volume 4.  p. 70,  1881)
A few years later she wrote “the empty seats in our prayer meetings testify that Christians do not realize the claims of God upon them; they do not realize their duty to make these meetings interesting and successful. They go over a monotonous, wearisome round, and return to their home unrefreshed, unblessed.” (Review & Herald, April 22, 1884)
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It’s simple and easy to understand.
Letting the Spirit of God into our lives is the main ingredient to interesting prayer and life.

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