Saturday, April 10, 2010


I had been following the General Conference Spring meetings updates to learn more about agenda for the upcoming session, and some news items are too grand not to pass along.  The most significant restructuring takes place in the Inter-American division, where the church almost doubled in the last 5 years. The Adventist Church in the island nation of Jamaica will become its own Union, administering over quarter million of believers.  Churches in Columbia, Venezuela, Honduras, El Salvador also will become autonomous Unions, each administering to about a quarter of a million believers.  It is exciting to see growth of our church around the world.  And my heart yearns to see the growth also here in Canada, especially in London, Ontario.
I am reflecting on a recent conversation with counselling professionals where John Regier from the Caring for the Heart Ministries, made a comment about Ontarians – “the most difficult segment of population to counsel,” with the top two barriers being pride and hypocrisy. Could it be true that our communities in Ontario had been blessed too much and became prideful, independent, isolated, individualistic, and cover the real needs all too well?
There is only one way to find out – taking an initiative and calling people into relationships, introducing them to Christ in you.  Last weekend an elder of Windsor Church, Charles H.Shad conducted a 4-session evangelistic series on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  He is also a senior consultant to CICA, and he did not shy away from inviting his clients to the meetings.  Pastor Kossovan shared with me that when he, elder Shad, made an appeal for baptism and further discipling, all his clients and secular invitees stood up, and signed up for Prophecy studies that are ongoing weekly, on Sundays 2 pm.  Personal invitation and involvement in people’s lives brings people close regardless of barriers that may exist.
From the beginning of this year we had been communicating and encouraging each member to select 7 people to pray for, people who are away from Christ, who need to discover Jesus for their lives.  For the winter month you were encouraged to show intentional kindness and hospitality to those you are leading to Christ through your prayers.  Last month we had an opportunity to share spiritual gifts with our friends, by giving books, DVDs and more resources.  This month we invite you to share a personal testimony with those you are praying for, to give a personal witness of what God has done for you.  Invest time in people you want to see in eternity.
Corporately we are organizing opportunities for you to demonstrate your faith by inviting your friends to events where they will learn more about God’s will.  Men’s Conference, Depression the way-out seminar, Healthy living in mid-May, and more opportunities are planned for each month.  And you are the front-line missionary! Witness your faith!

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