Today I invite you to consider that the Family Grows, always! I speak of a healthy functional family. It grows both, through the division and multiplication. The church that is a family will also grow. If a church grows too large, it may divide and multiply into two fellowships. Our bodies grow the same way – cells divide and then multiply.
This week I’ve learned a great news: our Conference leadership had approved to invest in church growth and development in London by sending us one more full time pastor. Taking into consideration that London is the 5th by size urban area in Ontario, and yet it is the least entered territory by the Adventist message, we have a tall responsibility. In the coming week our elders will meet with Conference Leadership to decide how to distribute responsibilities between two pastors. To grow it takes a positive intentional division to multiply!
Yet, the most important growth I want you to think about is ADDITION. That is by giving birth to spiritual children. This is the principle of reproduction in a healthy functional family. Have you personally added to the family of God? You may have added physical children to your family, are they also members of the Family of God? Have you sought to reproduce by mentoring others for spiritual growth?
If the Lord is at work in a church it will grow. It may not be immediate, it will take time, but for sure, if the church is alive and healthy it will grow, both internally (spiritually) and externally (numerically).
Churches that live as a Family grow. Churches that operate as business corporations typically don’t and can’t keep their converts. They may make converts, but if converts do not become disciples, and then functional members of the Body, they leave. It takes authentic community for proper spiritual formation.
This week I visited with a person who studied with It Is Written staff, and agrees with our doctrines, but she attends a small church at 1700 Dundas, because she feels there as in a family, they give her ride, they care for her. People in the postmodern disconnected world are looking for family more than ever. People are looking for organic Christianity. Church as a family answers the deepest cries that lie in the human heart.
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