Tonight all Adventists passionate for Evangelism in London will come together here, at our church to pray and talk about what we must do to lead people into God’s Kingdom.
I wanted to start with a reminder that the local church is God's Plan to offer his Saving grace, especially in the city. It is the hope of each community. Local churches exist to reach the next person. Our primary customer is the person who will not go to heaven unless something changes before the end of his/her life. Those who pay the bills, who are already convinced, and who already attend are the secondary customer.
So, in preparation for tonight’s prayer planning meeting – get it right – you/we, members, are not the customers, but staff. People on the street who do not know Christ are our main clients/customers. Ask yourselves what is it that they need, wants and care for, so we may minister in a relevant way.
For a couple of weeks I asked you to consider that our social interactions are our true Evangelism. I invited you to consider the “Social Life Director” as our main Evangelist. Consider our social gatherings, picnics, camping, swimming, golfing, sight seeing, birthdays, as true Evangelistic venues! Gospel Workers, p.338 says “People are easily reached through the avenues of the social circle.”
The classic statement from Ellen White’s writings (Ministry of Healing, page 143) says: “Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, "Follow Me." Notice the first word in the last sentence “Then”!
When should we attempt to do “evangelism”? When should we invite people to follow Jesus? THEN, and ONLY then, when we have mingled with people, when we desire good for people, when we show sympathy, when we minister to people’s needs, when we win people’s confidence.
Are we ready for another “evangelism”? Have we mingled enough with strangers and friends who need to come to Jesus? Are we showing sympathy in ministering to people’s needs? Have we won people’s trust?
Tomorrow morning Tony Bell is inviting church members to come and golf together, bring your friends, introduce them to your church family, interact in a social circles to show your true Christian love, care and behaviour. In a month there would be a bus trip, shopping in USA. Remember – it is another opportunity to build relationships and influence people!
Your individual kindness, every one in every situation showing heart will result in hundreds conversion, and if it is not happening, the problem is not in our institution, not in the “church,” but in each one of us. Look at how Ellen G. White continues her thought: “…But, though professing to be converted, we carry around with us a bundle of self that we regard as altogether too precious to be given up. It is our privilege to lay this burden at the feet of Christ and in its place take the character and similitude of Christ. The Saviour is waiting for us to do this…” Are we ready?
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