Each blog, written here weekly, is my attempt to ready someone else for the work of Evangelism. This week I sat “at the feet” of most effective pastors and leaders in Evangelism and Church growth, attending Union ministerial convention at the Canadian University College, learning how to better serve the church where I am. Reflecting on what I learn, I focus on truths that had been known, obvious, but neglected.
Just consider this simple quotation from the Spirit of Prophecy: “If we would humble ourselves before God, and be kind and courteous and tenderhearted and pitiful, there would be one hundred conversions to the truth where now there is only one.” [Testimonies, Vol.9 p.189] Reflecting on our recent evangelistic campaign I want to remind you that it is not our ability to preach alone, but our life witness, namely being kind, courteous, tender-hearted, generous and sympathetic that would result in mass conversion. Evangelism is in becoming kind, loving, courteous, caring.
Your individual kindness, every one in every situation showing heart will result in hundreds conversion, and if it is not happening, the problem is not in our institution, not in the “church,” but in each one of us. Look at how Ellen G. White continues her thought: “…But, though professing to be converted, we carry around with us a bundle of self that we regard as altogether too precious to be given up. It is our privilege to lay this burden at the feet of Christ and in its place take the character and similitude of Christ. The Saviour is waiting for us to do this…”
Here’s another classic from the Ministry of Healing, page 143: “Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, "Follow Me." Notice the first word in the last sentence “Then”!
When should we attempt to do “evangelism”? When should we invite people to follow Jesus? THEN, and ONLY then, when we have mingled with people, when we desire good for people, when we show sympathy, when we minister to people’s needs, when we win people’s confidence.
Are we ready for another “evangelism”? Have we mingled enough with strangers and friends who need to come to Jesus? Are we showing sympathy in ministering to people’s needs? Have we won people’s trust?
Have you considered that the “Social Life Director” is our main Evangelist? Have you considered that our social gatherings, picnics, camping, swimming, golfing, sight seeing, birthdays, and more are true Evangelistic venues? Gospel Workers, p.338 says “People are easily reached through the avenues of the social circle.” Are we ready?
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