Each blog, written here weekly, is my attempt to ready someone else for the work of Evangelism. This week I sat “at the feet” of most effective pastors and leaders in Evangelism and Church growth, attending Union ministerial convention at the Canadian University College, learning how to better serve the church where I am. Reflecting on what I learn, I focus on truths that had been known, obvious, but neglected.
Just consider this simple quotation from the Spirit of Prophecy: “If we would humble ourselves before God, and be kind and courteous and tenderhearted and pitiful, there would be one hundred conversions to the truth where now there is only one.” [Testimonies, Vol.9 p.189] Reflecting on our recent evangelistic campaign I want to remind you that it is not our ability to preach alone, but our life witness, namely being kind, courteous, tender-hearted, generous and sympathetic that would result in mass conversion. Evangelism is in becoming kind, loving, courteous, caring.
Your individual kindness, every one in every situation showing heart will result in hundreds conversion, and if it is not happening, the problem is not in our institution, not in the “church,” but in each one of us. Look at how Ellen G. White continues her thought: “…But, though professing to be converted, we carry around with us a bundle of self that we regard as altogether too precious to be given up. It is our privilege to lay this burden at the feet of Christ and in its place take the character and similitude of Christ. The Saviour is waiting for us to do this…”
Here’s another classic from the Ministry of Healing, page 143: “Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, "Follow Me." Notice the first word in the last sentence “Then”!
When should we attempt to do “evangelism”? When should we invite people to follow Jesus? THEN, and ONLY then, when we have mingled with people, when we desire good for people, when we show sympathy, when we minister to people’s needs, when we win people’s confidence.
Are we ready for another “evangelism”? Have we mingled enough with strangers and friends who need to come to Jesus? Are we showing sympathy in ministering to people’s needs? Have we won people’s trust?
Have you considered that the “Social Life Director” is our main Evangelist? Have you considered that our social gatherings, picnics, camping, swimming, golfing, sight seeing, birthdays, and more are true Evangelistic venues? Gospel Workers, p.338 says “People are easily reached through the avenues of the social circle.” Are we ready?
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Getting ready to leave for a week-long Canada-wide meetings for pastors in Lacombe, Alberta I am reflecting on Adventist Christianity, the difference of being Adventist from other Christian groups. A couple of weeks ago at our “Adventist 101” session I addressed the Biblical notion of two fractions in Christianity – the pure bride vs. the harlot, the 144,000 vs. the beast, the Jerusalem vs. Babylon. Our movement has always claimed the unique mission of calling Christian people “out of Babylon,” away from confusion, away from corruption, away from compromise. Are you aware of this? Are you calling people you care and love “out of Babylon”? For it is the core of the “Three Angels Message,” the reason for being Adventist. If this is forgotten, or ignored, we are no different than many other “toothless denominations” of so-called Christians, who only want to be called by name, but continue doing as they please (Isaiah 4:1).
Another claim to fame that has been made through generations of Adventist movement is to be the “Remnant” – the “leftovers” of the original, meaning the return to the ideals of the first Christian Church. Do you define your life by standards and principles of the church of Acts, the church described by the word “ACTS”? How ACTIVE are you? Does your ACTION show your PASSION?
To think of it, the early Christians had a different understanding of what pastor’s role was. I used to be puzzled before with Apostle Paul “not remembering who he had baptized” (1st Corinthians 1:16) until I learned that elders of local churches were nurturing (pastor’s role) and overseeing (bishop’s role) the life of churches, while apostles-evangelists were planting churches, winning new converts, organizing the work for maximum efficiency.
Statistically one person can have a following, and keep it happy of about 120 people. Churches relying on the “parish” model of care by a professional full time pastor do not grow beyond 120. Here in London with about 300 members on the books and another 100 who consider themselves “members of Adventist community,” but either were never baptized into the Body of Christ, or chose not to transfer their memberships, there can be about 120 people who are O.K. with “pastor Alex,” leaving another 280 wishing for a different one. Considering the above stated stats, even if two more “full-time professional nurturers” would come here, there would be still 40 unhappy, and disconnected, and as new people join in the demand for additional professionals would grow. By the way, this is the formula employed by your “seeker oriented” evangelical neighbourhood churches for the number of pastors per congregants.
Let me remind you of our mission – restoring the Biblical, Apostolic Remnant Church, where your elders are your pastors! And Each one of you are the members of the Body (Romans 12:4-5, 1st Corinthians 12:12-27). What is your personal individual function? Where in “the Body” do you fit in? What is your role? Our elders will meet sometime in July to discuss the total involvement of all members in the life of the Body of Christ, the Church. As we do prepare for this meeting prayerfully, we invite you to pray that the Holy Spirit would reveal to you your personal role and place.
Another claim to fame that has been made through generations of Adventist movement is to be the “Remnant” – the “leftovers” of the original, meaning the return to the ideals of the first Christian Church. Do you define your life by standards and principles of the church of Acts, the church described by the word “ACTS”? How ACTIVE are you? Does your ACTION show your PASSION?
To think of it, the early Christians had a different understanding of what pastor’s role was. I used to be puzzled before with Apostle Paul “not remembering who he had baptized” (1st Corinthians 1:16) until I learned that elders of local churches were nurturing (pastor’s role) and overseeing (bishop’s role) the life of churches, while apostles-evangelists were planting churches, winning new converts, organizing the work for maximum efficiency.
Statistically one person can have a following, and keep it happy of about 120 people. Churches relying on the “parish” model of care by a professional full time pastor do not grow beyond 120. Here in London with about 300 members on the books and another 100 who consider themselves “members of Adventist community,” but either were never baptized into the Body of Christ, or chose not to transfer their memberships, there can be about 120 people who are O.K. with “pastor Alex,” leaving another 280 wishing for a different one. Considering the above stated stats, even if two more “full-time professional nurturers” would come here, there would be still 40 unhappy, and disconnected, and as new people join in the demand for additional professionals would grow. By the way, this is the formula employed by your “seeker oriented” evangelical neighbourhood churches for the number of pastors per congregants.
Let me remind you of our mission – restoring the Biblical, Apostolic Remnant Church, where your elders are your pastors! And Each one of you are the members of the Body (Romans 12:4-5, 1st Corinthians 12:12-27). What is your personal individual function? Where in “the Body” do you fit in? What is your role? Our elders will meet sometime in July to discuss the total involvement of all members in the life of the Body of Christ, the Church. As we do prepare for this meeting prayerfully, we invite you to pray that the Holy Spirit would reveal to you your personal role and place.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I am up early Thursday morning at Andrews University dorm lobby, reflecting on the events of the day before. Since Wednesday morning I was sitting “at the feet” of Adventist leaders who are facilitating and leading the Church planting movement around the world.
As I sat just behind the North American Region president Don Schneider, and listen to the South African Region president of Adventist Churches, Paul Ratsara, speaking on this issue of “WHY are we still here?” my heart resonated wholly with the longing of many Adventists, and many Christians, for that matter – we all want to go home, to the world recreated perfect! So, WHY are we still here?
Elder Ratsara led evening address with reading Isaiah 51:9-10, where the prophet calls God to wake up! Just like in the ancient days, and show His strength. The prophet is reminding God of His former power. But as we read further, the call to wake up is turned around. It is not God who needs to wake up. God’s power has not diminished over time. It is us who need to wake up, because in god’s plan he wants us to receive His Power (Acts 1:8) and do even greater things than Jesus did when he was here (John 14:12), so that the later manifestation of his power would be more abundant, greater than the former, and the former would appear only moderate, compared to what is to come (Joel 2:23)
That is why prophet Isaiah calls the people of God to wake up (Isaiah 51:17; 52:1) and put on the strength.
How awake am I? How awake are you, my friends, spiritually? Are you in your “pyjamas” waiting for God to do miracles? Guess what! God does what He said he will do. He has scripted the future in advance. When Jesus was here on earth, he did everything “to fulfill what was written by the prophets.” We must stop telling God what we want him to do, and discover what He scripted us to do. The plan for us, for the church of Christ, is written in details, and the next chapter is you putting on the armour of righteousness, being clothed in the righteousness of Christ, witnessing with power the Plan of Salvation.
So, what are you wearing? Are you in the “working clothes” or you still need to wash up, clean up, brush up, and accept the garments prepared for you?
It is out of the ordinary that the message to the end-times look-warm church, the Laodicea, calls us to clothe ourselves (Revelation 3:18) and then to keep those garments on (Revelation 16:15), not to be caught naked. The dorm rooms we are staying don’t have showers, and we have to walk to the designated area for the community showers. The last thing I want is to be caught in my pyjamas in public place.
What is your spiritual apparel right now? Are you equipped and ready for the work? Wake up, dress up and get ready, and don’t ask the wrong WHY question!
As I sat just behind the North American Region president Don Schneider, and listen to the South African Region president of Adventist Churches, Paul Ratsara, speaking on this issue of “WHY are we still here?” my heart resonated wholly with the longing of many Adventists, and many Christians, for that matter – we all want to go home, to the world recreated perfect! So, WHY are we still here?
Elder Ratsara led evening address with reading Isaiah 51:9-10, where the prophet calls God to wake up! Just like in the ancient days, and show His strength. The prophet is reminding God of His former power. But as we read further, the call to wake up is turned around. It is not God who needs to wake up. God’s power has not diminished over time. It is us who need to wake up, because in god’s plan he wants us to receive His Power (Acts 1:8) and do even greater things than Jesus did when he was here (John 14:12), so that the later manifestation of his power would be more abundant, greater than the former, and the former would appear only moderate, compared to what is to come (Joel 2:23)
That is why prophet Isaiah calls the people of God to wake up (Isaiah 51:17; 52:1) and put on the strength.
How awake am I? How awake are you, my friends, spiritually? Are you in your “pyjamas” waiting for God to do miracles? Guess what! God does what He said he will do. He has scripted the future in advance. When Jesus was here on earth, he did everything “to fulfill what was written by the prophets.” We must stop telling God what we want him to do, and discover what He scripted us to do. The plan for us, for the church of Christ, is written in details, and the next chapter is you putting on the armour of righteousness, being clothed in the righteousness of Christ, witnessing with power the Plan of Salvation.
So, what are you wearing? Are you in the “working clothes” or you still need to wash up, clean up, brush up, and accept the garments prepared for you?
It is out of the ordinary that the message to the end-times look-warm church, the Laodicea, calls us to clothe ourselves (Revelation 3:18) and then to keep those garments on (Revelation 16:15), not to be caught naked. The dorm rooms we are staying don’t have showers, and we have to walk to the designated area for the community showers. The last thing I want is to be caught in my pyjamas in public place.
What is your spiritual apparel right now? Are you equipped and ready for the work? Wake up, dress up and get ready, and don’t ask the wrong WHY question!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
This past Tuesday, together with our Bible worker Christopher Bassaragh, we attended Mayor’s leadership breakfast at the Metropolitan United Church. Our Mayor Anne Marie DeCicco-Best outlined plans for the city development, shared her need for spiritual support and prayer, and importance of faith communities working together for the good of the city.
As London is gearing up for major developments, transforming the international airport into the distribution hub for the whole Canada, with 24x7 open sky policy, goods coming from USA and Europe, and major companies coming to East London, the city will see major growth in population and territory over the next decade. I was thinking about the church that considers itself to be the remnant with a special message for the end times people. Are we being strategic in planning for growth?
Both churches had gone through the “Master Plan Evangelism” curriculum. Even though poorly attended during the Prayer Meetings, it was published through blogs in bulletins and online (still in archive). The whole focus was to call the church to a simple plan of Jesus – discipling by reproduction. There is no plan “B” in the New Testament. Christ left us the Legacy – the Message and the Method, the Gospel and the Group.
A few probing questions: has Christ been reproduced in you by the Holy Spirit? Have you reproduced your spiritual passion in someone else, leading them to Christ through the Holy Spirit?
I quoted R.E.Coleman in the past: “Jesus intended for the disciples to produce His likeness in and through the church being gathered out of the world. Thus His ministry in the Spirit would be duplicated many fold by His ministry in the lives of His disciples. Through them and others like them it would continue to expand in an ever enlarging circumference until the multitudes might know in some similar way the opportunity which they had known with the Master. By this strategy the conquest of the world was only a matter of time and their faithfulness to His plan.”
You know the principle of exponential growth – “each one reach one”. Simple math – if each of us would win just one person per year who in turn will do the same it would take only 20 years to lead whole city of London to the saving knowledge of Christ. Sad reality is that 8 out of 9 nominal Christians will never lead even one person to Christ in their lifetime.
Are you reproducing?…. spiritually? Message of Jesus to us could be summarized in his last address to disciples: “Fruit . . . more fruit . . . much fruit . . . fruit that abides”(John 15:2,4,5,8,16). A barren Christian is a contradiction of terms. A tree is known by its fruit.
Once you are involved in personal evangelism, you would be even more wiling and readied for corporate public effort.
As London is gearing up for major developments, transforming the international airport into the distribution hub for the whole Canada, with 24x7 open sky policy, goods coming from USA and Europe, and major companies coming to East London, the city will see major growth in population and territory over the next decade. I was thinking about the church that considers itself to be the remnant with a special message for the end times people. Are we being strategic in planning for growth?
Both churches had gone through the “Master Plan Evangelism” curriculum. Even though poorly attended during the Prayer Meetings, it was published through blogs in bulletins and online (still in archive). The whole focus was to call the church to a simple plan of Jesus – discipling by reproduction. There is no plan “B” in the New Testament. Christ left us the Legacy – the Message and the Method, the Gospel and the Group.
A few probing questions: has Christ been reproduced in you by the Holy Spirit? Have you reproduced your spiritual passion in someone else, leading them to Christ through the Holy Spirit?
I quoted R.E.Coleman in the past: “Jesus intended for the disciples to produce His likeness in and through the church being gathered out of the world. Thus His ministry in the Spirit would be duplicated many fold by His ministry in the lives of His disciples. Through them and others like them it would continue to expand in an ever enlarging circumference until the multitudes might know in some similar way the opportunity which they had known with the Master. By this strategy the conquest of the world was only a matter of time and their faithfulness to His plan.”
You know the principle of exponential growth – “each one reach one”. Simple math – if each of us would win just one person per year who in turn will do the same it would take only 20 years to lead whole city of London to the saving knowledge of Christ. Sad reality is that 8 out of 9 nominal Christians will never lead even one person to Christ in their lifetime.
Are you reproducing?…. spiritually? Message of Jesus to us could be summarized in his last address to disciples: “Fruit . . . more fruit . . . much fruit . . . fruit that abides”(John 15:2,4,5,8,16). A barren Christian is a contradiction of terms. A tree is known by its fruit.
Once you are involved in personal evangelism, you would be even more wiling and readied for corporate public effort.
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