I am writing this early Thursday morning, not knowing yet what the attendance will be Friday night. You are reading this early Sabbath morning , and from your perspective it is last night that we had began our first public evangelistic outreach in the city on this large scale.
I know that people are sent by God to our meetings: people, who are seeking because their spirits were touched by the Holy Spirit with conviction. Now it is our work, over the next two weeks, to demonstrate by example commitment. Every night we will be asking our guests for commitment to follow Jesus, and they will be looking in turn on our example of being committed to Jesus Commission.
Paul is writing a letter to a church in Philippi (4:9) “Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do.” Note the word “both” present in the King James translation. Even though there four principles stated the emphasis is dual, and it is expressed in parallels - we learn by hearing, and we receive by seeing. I invite you to show your commitment to the Great Gospel Commission by doing three things (Matthew 28:19-20):
- go out of your comfort zone, set a time for simply going to the meetings, go out of your usual daily routine of work and miscellaneous running around;
- disciple, befriend people in meetings, stay after meetings, come out earlier, mingle, chit-chat to get to know people, associate;
- consecrate yourself, your time, your home, your money to continue in teaching and mentoring, to follow up on relationships you’ve made, imparting to those you chose the Holy Spirit power available in your own life.
We have done all we could, even exceeded our budget in faith, purchasing (not renting!) equipment for the future efforts, knowing that God will bless and we will recover financially before the next effort in the fall. As I drive by the marquee electronic sign on Egerton & Florence I saw the 4 line sign advertising our event. Over last 10 days literally tens of thousands of people read the sign. You’ve taken personal invitation cards to your friends, some of you mailed tens of personal invitations. We have prayed, prepared, organized. Now it is about watching God’s hand at work, God’s Power and Spirit manifested, leading people to repentance.
Let’s remember that Evangelism is about imparting to people what Jesus imparted to us: life, joy, peace, hope, love. And Above All – the Holy Spirit! Pray that you will have Him to give. We give from what we have. Pray to be filled abundantly, that from your overflow of blessings others would be blessed.
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