What a ride! Six nights of presentations are done! We are half way through!
Above All Powers is on! Four presenters shared insights on pain, economy, depression, health, forgiveness. Evangelist Omar Palmer led in faith building prayer. By the way, he’s coming again tomorrow, Sunday evening. This time his request is for those who have specific needs for healing, specific burdens that they pray to be lifted, write them down on a piece of paper, and bring it with you Sunday night. Fourteen musicians and singers blessed us with their gifts during this past week! And above all – the fellowship, relationship building with guests.
My faith has been encouraged in sharing the testimony of our faith in soon coming Saviour. Some of you may not notice – but there is a room to the side, occupied throughout meetings by prayers, people who pray constantly for every aspect of these meetings. When one night presentation got to a “sleepy” start, as tired after work people were getting comfortable in warmed up chairs, a person from the audience went to the prayer room to ask for more fervent prayer. That night the audience was kept awake by an extra long presentation about God’s calendar, the 1844 proclamation of the Judgment, and the three Divine appointments yet to be fulfilled: Return of Jesus in Glory, temporary millennial vacation to heaven, and the return of saints to the Earth made new.
This whole experience is much needed revival for our church in London. There is nothing more efficient in training than “hands-on” training, and it is exciting to see how people are filling gaps.
Eight (8) individuals requested baptism, eleven (11) feel they need to study and understand more. We are planning a special baptismal service on Sunday afternoon. The location is yet to be decided, depending on the number of candidates. I pray that as more messages are presented this week, those who are undecided will be strengthened spiritually, and make commitments for Jesus.
The celebration of Christ continues here for another week. Bring your friends to share the blessing. This experience is the catalyst of change in lives of all participants, both presenters and the audience. When we confess Christ He is faithful to confess us before the Father. (Matthew 10:32)
Evangelism will never be outdated. It is of increasing importance and intensifying need the nearer we come to the end of time. One thing I wish for – more guests, more people invited to hear the truth. I am reflecting on Paul’s words to a church: “Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity” (Colossians 4:5 NLT). We need to be persuasive, it was what Jesus told us to be, if we are serious about what we believe. One of the parables (Luke 14:23) says “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel, (persuade) them to come in, that my house may be filled.”
Apostle Paul in his ministry followed this principle, persuading people to continue in the Grace of God (Acts 13:43; 18:4; 19:26). He was not always successful, as in Acts 26:28 when Agrippa said to Paul, "You almost persuade me to become a Christian." We cannot override people’s choice. God does not either. But it is our calling to be persuasive, and serious about it. Make the most of the next week, as we have 6 more evenings to go!