Saturday, February 7, 2009


Church, what is our objective? Dear reader, ask yourself this question: what is my objective?_____________________________________________________


I really want you to answer this question first, and then compare it with the objective of Jesus, and also with Jesus’ objective for us.

Jesus came here to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). The objective He gave us was to get going to make disciples, baptising them and teaching them what Jesus taught us. Just as He was sent by the Father so he sends us. For this purpose he gives us Power to witness everywhere (Matthew 28:19-20; John 20:21; Acts 1:8)

Our objective according to Jesus is “get going and make disciples!”

Now, consider activities of our church, and our organization – are we fulfilling Jesus objectives? If our objective is to show-up at church during the 3 hour block, no matter how late, on Saturday then we are not following Jesus’ commission.

What changes could/should be made in our church to embrace Jesus’ objective of Evangelism? For the real Evangelism is to do what Jesus did – to go and proclaim the Kingdom of God. Elder Jonathan Beckles shared his summary of Evangelism as “receiving and imparting the Holy Spirit.” Jesus big plan for His Church was to receive the Spirit. When we say Evangelism, we mean: people receiving the Holy Spirit.

In two months we will start our first public Evangelistic effort, by going out of our church into community, into the marketplace to tell people what our experience with Jesus is, to share with people the Holy Spirit that is changing our lives.

In preparation for that day – April 10 – we are already praying for the Holy Spirit to be touching lives of people, preparing the harvest, to be moving among people and pushing them out of their comfort zones, leading them eventually to the door where the Gospel will be preached. Start doing what Jesus did – choose, select people to pray for, to make your responsibility, your disciples.

I heard an excuse recently, (by the way that’s a new stage, a higher level excuse) “we need training, there is no training offered.” Are you kidding?! You must be kidding!!! Every mid-week, Tuesday @ South, Wednesday @ North people are coming together in praying and studying the Word, sharing testimonies, challenging each other - that’s the preparation you need. Every week I publish a blog, just like this in the bulletin – read it! If you collect blog-pages – you have a manual for evangelism! Every weekend, usually Saturday night – Adventism 101 classes are offered, training in Truth teaching!

Another question was posed to me recently: “what has been done in our church during the last 4 years, to prepare us for Evangelism?” My answer is simple: church is changing! If anything – we are eliminating excuses not to do it one by one! The church today is more ready for genuine care and nurture than 4 years ago. Don’t look for excuses, embrace Jesus’ objective today!

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