Do you hold yourself accountable for soul-winning? Does anyone else hold you accountable? Do you check yourselves on your performance of daily duties? Do you like when someone checks on you?
As we reflect on Jesus’ method of preparing the World for Evangelism we note the sequential approach. First Jesus selected those he would work with and began associating with them, calling them to consecration and imparting the Holy Spirit. As they followed Him he demonstrated to them the Kingdom of God in daily reality. Only then he delegated them with power and authority to go and do likewise. However, upon their return they had to report. We do not know how much they had reported (Mark 6:30; Luke 9:10). Al we know that Jesus took them to a retreat, to a quiet place where they may rest.
The 12, or the 70 didn’t yet really know Christ’s ultimate purpose when they were sent out on their field trips. When the Seventy returned and reported with excitement the miracles and success (Luke 10:17-22) Jesus, while rejoicing, also kept their joy in check, teaching not to be satisfied with first fruits, and events, but to consider it only as beginning. As I read that story I see that Jesus did not call us to hold the fort, but to storm the heights. Single one-stand victories are no substitute for the total victory over the whole world. Have you ever been in a job where you were unclear of the purpose or lacked good supervision? Supervision helps to see clearer the purpose and objectives.
You see that Jesus did not hesitate to examine his disciples, and ask them questions like “Don’t you understand?” (Mark 8:17). When disciples weren’t able to heal, and people came complaining, he rebuked them and then healed the boy himself, pointing to the Glory of God. As Jesus showed them by example, and assigned them to do work, he also gave them freedom to make mistakes, to fail…and then He checked. He would not let them rest in success or in failure. No matter what they did, there was always more to do and to learn. He rejoiced in their success, but nothing less than world conquest was His goal, and to that end He always superintended their efforts.
Leaving this world and leaving us, disciples in charge, responsible to continue the Victory, he also promised the Holy Spirit as our Encourager and Empowerer. Yet, the Holy Spirit begins His work also with a check-up (John 16:8-12) . Note, Jesus way of “check-up” supervision is not that of criticism, or put-down, but of comfort, uplifting and strengthening.
In two weeks we will come together for our first annual Business meeting, discussing plans and directions for 2009, divvying the Budget moneys for various ministries. It would be prudent for each departmental coordinator to present a one-page report of their plans and vision. Put together in a booklet the score of reports and the Budget would be available for access by all members and visitors, keeping us all accountable for the work we promise to do, serving us a reminder of our priorities this year.
As we prepare for intentional Evangelism this year, for your personal Evangeliving, take a journal, set goals, and record testimonies as you share Christ’s love with people
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