Last Sunday our Board met for a special purpose – to discuss possible strategies for soul winning, for Evangelism. As we dialogues about different events and activities that may interest people in coming to church, like concerts, socials, games, and more, it became more obvious that it is personal friendship that is needed to make people stay. Evangelism is not only to introduce and bring people – it is to make them stay in relationship with Jesus. Friendship Evangelism!
That is precisely what the Great Commission is all about – not just teaching, but making disciples! (Matthew 28:19-20).
Do we fully understand what “discipling” means? J.Robert Clinton had written the Mentor Handbook in which he provides a list of different types of discipling relationships: Coach, Mentor, Teacher, Counsellor, Sponsor, Life Model, Historical Hero Model, Spiritual Guide, and the Divine Contact. All these are “discipling relationships!” One cannot call him/herself a Christian and not disciple others.
Consider this discipleship! A simple command, yet it assumes a very complex relationship: it invites people to imitate one’s life. Christian faith is an imitative faith. Christianity is a faith taught by one to another. The life of Jesus Christ must be seen as the model worthy of imitation for every Christian. “Follow me!” said Jesus. Similar is expected for Jesus’ followers. Apostle Paul urged the church in Corinth “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.” (1 Corinthians 4:16; & 11:1). Paul also commended the church in Thessalonica for becoming imitators of him and of Christ (1 Thessalonians 1:6-7).
The question we ask of our elected leaders if they actively mentor, disciple, and instruct others. The question really means: do we live lives worthy of imitating? And this should be asked of every believer: Can we invite people to follow us as we follow Jesus? The Evangelism is simply inviting people to observe intimacy of your relationship with God. Only such a real “incarnation” or “embodiment” of the gospel will produce the desire in others to know Jesus.
As you seek to imitate Jesus, to faithfully follow Him, others will seek to imitate you and to follow you. Have you invited anyone in your life to follow you? Have you led anyone to Christ? If you are making your way to Christ others would follow even if out of curiosity.
One current translation of 1st John 2:5-6 says “This is the only way to be sure we are in God. Anyone who claims to be intimate with God ought to live the same kind of life Jesus lived.” (The Message)
Are you imitating Christ? Are people close to you imitate you? Have you consider your role as a disciple and a discipler? Jesus invites “Go and make disciples!”
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