Last year we considered Spiritual disciplines through sermons. Apostle Paul wrote his protégé Timothy “discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness” (1st Timothy 4:7). Spiritual disciplines have two purposes – freedom and godliness of believer. One discipline that we did not talk about is Evangelism.
Every Board meeting begins with a focus on Evangelism. The dictum of our meetings is “What am I doing to Tell London that Jesus is coming soon?” It is a question that every believer should ask. When we each tell a person next to us of our hope – the whole world will soon know.
From my personal experience there is nothing more intoxicating and empowering than telling someone about Jesus. Yet nothing causes an eye-dropping, foot-shuffling anxiety more quickly than mentioning evangelism in public.
We affirm our faith in the priesthood of all believers, cherishing the words of 1st Peter 2:9 “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a special, peculiar people.” We love the “peculiar” part, yet many have no clue how the rest of it goes: “that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” Priesthood of all believers means Evangelism by all believers!
It is true that not everyone has the gift of proclamational evangelism – but every one is invited to tell, by your life. Last year I read an article about over a 1,000 baptisms in Madagascar. No month-long campaign, simply four months of concerted efforts by Seventh-day Adventist Church members to reach their neighbours with the message of Jesus Christ. The loving atmosphere of small-group Bible studies was what led one family to join the church. In the nation's capital of Antananarivo 1,151 new members were baptized into the church at the Mahamasima Stadium.
People give different excuses why they do not do evangelism, but the main reason, I think, is the seriousness of Evangelism. Once we talk to people about Jesus we have to take our own lives seriously and they will have to seriously consider their destination.
I preached about empowerment. We all know that it is God’s desire for His Kingdom to have Power, we know that it is Christ’s desire for His Body, the Church to receive the Power, and the Holy Spirit has been Comforting believers with Power, yet we admit that our churches today lack the power.
Let’s consider this reason:
Romans 1:16 “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes”
1st Thessalonians 1:5 For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power.
The more we are like Christ, the more we will tell of Christ and His message. Evangelism is the ingredient of empowered Church.
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