The Revival week was planned, support promised, and some hoped for a “window” of Revival. The appointed time came and went by without serious commitment from the church members, in spite of the obvious need for conversions in our families, from teenagers, spouses, and extended members.
This week was to inaugurate a whole series of efforts to reach out to those who have not committed their lives to Christ. In a short two weeks we plan to present another opportunity for outreach with “Out of Thin Air” program, exposing Evolutionary theory and presenting the Purpose for our lives as intended by the Creator God.
So what is needed for us to avoid missing the Hour of Visitation next time? I suggest a few simple Biblical disciplines:
1) agonized, pleading prayers, corporate and private for revival;
2) bold communication, prophetic voice from pulpit and in homes, speaking an uncompromising word to awaken the church;
3) repentance among all believers and church family of half-hearted and half-stepping way of life; repentance in our homes from compromising the Truth we know in Jesus;
4) restoration of a simple, down-to-earth New Testament Christianity, where Acts speak louder than words, where fellowship is intolerant of sin, and loving for sinners.
Regular attendance at the mid-week Prayer Meetings is one of sure indicators of church readiness for Evangelism. We shall never see much change for the better in our churches until the prayer meeting occupies a higher place in the esteem of Christians. How can we expect a blessing if we are too idle to ask for it? How can we look for a Pentecost if we never meet with one another, in one place, to wait upon the Lord? We should not degenerate into formality, or we shall be dead while we think we live. We should not waiver through unbelief, or we shall pray in vain.
All elders, and those in leadership positions, should seek to hear from God so they may speak loud and clear the Word of God. The Scriptures must be made the infallible foundation of all teaching. Not human opinions but “Thus Says the Lord!” must be heard in all our conversations. The ruin, redemption and regeneration of mankind must be set forth in unmistakable terms. Only such conversations would lead to the real repentance which is more than a change of mind. The Holy Ghost never preaches repentance as a trifle. There must be sorrow for sin and hatred of it in true repentance. The best definition is in a children's hymn:
"Repentance is to leave The sins we loved before,
And show that we in earnest grieve, By doing so no more."
An illumination of the Holy Spirit includes a discovery of iniquity and a hatred of it, without which there can hardly be a genuine repentance. We must not undervalue repentance.
We have defined what we believe. This year we are talking about how we must live, laboring so that the Kingdom of God would be real in our Church. Next year we will move into becoming more intentional about doing our work, accomplishing our purpose and attracting people to God’s Kingdom.
Church! please do not miss your next hour of visitation!
Was it really missed though? For those few who attended it was a blessing, it was a spark. Flames begin with just enough sparks, when conditions are right.
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