Last Sabbath we were privileged to have Halsey Peat from the Conference Communication department dialogue with us on how we communicate the Gospel. In his presentation he reminded a simple rule of 5W&1H which determines interest level in all communication:
Who? What? Where? When? Why? & How?
The title statement “Tell London: Jesus is coming soon!” answers all the above mentioned questions:
What should we do? TELL!!!!
What should we tell? à Jesus is coming soon.
Who? Everyone of us to everyone we know, and don’t know yet.
Where? Obviously here in London, starting with the most close relationships, and people nearest to us.
Why? Because Jesus is coming soon.
When? A.S.A.P. (as soon as possible) à that’s what SOON means
This will happen if you truly believe this. The reason many are not telling, and just going through religious motions of liturgical rituals because the urgency of faith is gone.
q How? that’s where every person can design their own personal strategy; that’s where every ministry interprets means, sources, venues and approaches.
Today I want to focus on one particular of this – authenticity of telling. Telling goes beyond words – it’s our whole lifestyle. And who’s better know and first to receive than members of our families. Last week I’ve challenged husbands to take a spiritual responsibility for their families. Today my appeal is for parents in general. For brevity I will simply quote few statements from a classic on parenting called Child Guidance from the pen of inspiration:
It is in the home that the education of the child is to begin. Here is his first school. Here, with his parents as instructors, he is to learn the lessons that are to guide him throughout life …Let not home education be regarded as a secondary matter. It occupies the first place in all true education. Fathers and mothers have entrusted to them the molding of their children's minds. Home education is not by any means to be neglected. Those who neglect it neglect a religious duty. (p.17-18)
Parents, for Christ's sake do not blunder in your most important work, that of molding the characters of your children for time and for eternity. An error on your part in neglect of faithful instruction… will prove their ruin. Your course may give a wrong direction to all their future (p. 170)
Speaking of parents who do not walk the talk Ellen White says: “Such parents drive their children away from God, by talking to them on religious subjects; for the Christian religion is made unattractive and even repulsive by this misrepresentation of truth. Children will say, "Well, if that is religion, I do not want anything of it." (p.286)
How do you tell your children that Jesus is Coming Soon?
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