Saturday, January 13, 2007

Faithful to God’s Vision

Reading the first chapter of the Acts of Apostles with the Prayer Group this last Tuesday night we had stumbled on a statement that started a lot of conversation.

“…The church is God's…city of refuge, which He holds in a revolted world. Any betrayal of the church is treachery to Him….Enfeebled and defective as it may appear, the church is the one object upon which God bestows in a special sense His supreme regard. It is the theater of His Grace, in which He delights to reveal His power to transform hearts…”

The question that we began to ponder was: In what way do people, let me make it more personal – in what way do we betray church? Is it faking it, pretending, living double lives, “playing” church? Not taking seriously this place where God transforms lives? Or is it by walking away from commitments, from service, from volunteering ourselves, our means, our time, our beings, offering our life to Him? R is simply by not giving due honor and quality to what we do in and about the Church? Tough questions…..

Some folks suggested that such a betrayal begins at home. Church begins at home – the house church is the essence of the Church. The public assembly is phony if there is no life of worship at home, and the house church is not happening. When a whole generation which walked away from the church has nothing but bitter feelings left toward the place and people we call Church – then the vision of Prophet Ezekiel about the Church as a River of Healing flowing into a sea of stagnant water and making it fresh (Ezekiel 47:8) becomes a dream!

Today I am sharing with you the dream for our church. It is really an outline of our collective work with elders and leaders for the past two years as God is revealing to us what needs to be done, and where the healing needs to take place. We dream of a

· Church as true Sanctuary - place where all lonely, hurting, depressed, confused and even disturbed will find love, acceptance, hope, forgiveness, help and encouragement.

· Church that is a Ministry center, where every believer is discovering God’s calling and purpose, where each is equipped, trained and engaged in ministry. Church that provides classes, seminars, resources, Bible study groups, support groups, retreats to nurture people and grow them spiritually. Church that has a network of ministries to plug people in.

· Church that Tells London – by telling every household in our city – that Jesus soon will come and sharing the call of the Three Angels Message.

· Church that will welcome back 1,000 people of all cultures and backgrounds within next 5 years into our fellowship. Setting priority on reaching former Adventists, disconnected Adventists, and immediate family members. Providing easier access to our church services for people with different lifestyles.

· Church that has real Mission - sending trained missionaries into every group of people in our city, and assisting at least one church in every country represented in our fellowship. Having annual short term mission trips where experienced in age will mentor youth.

· Church that gives birth to new churches every year. Planting an Adventist congregation in every ward of our city, for every group of people

Dream with me about the Church of Jesus dream, the one that gates of hell would not prevail against. The Church where members find happiness in the happiness of those whom they help and bless! And let never betray church of Jesus!

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