Saturday, March 5, 2005

Evangelism as our Reason for Being

Defining Our Vision: =
1. Bible Teaching Praying Church.
2. Evangelizing Church.
Just to think that we can actually change the population of heaven!!! Yet it is exactly what Jesus had in mind when He gave the Commission to the doubtful bunch of disciples to go and evangelize nations.
Gospel is always about the Good News. And the greatest news for us today is that even plateaued or declining churches can turn around! Jesus dictated a letter for John to write to his home church in Ephesus: “…remember from where you have fallen, turn back and recover your first love…” (Revelation 2:5)
One of parables Jesus told hints that those who fail to seek the lost will be replaced by others. (Matthew 21:33-46). When a church ceases to be an evangelistic agency, that church ceases to be the true church. God has raised up His people and had chosen His remnant to saved those who are lost. To quit reaching to those seeking after God is to be rejected by God.
The difference between the stream and a swamp is that stream has an outlet. A church that is not reaching out is becoming a swamp. Evangelism is our reason for being!
We have discovered that Jesus’ promise to be with us always depends on us doing His Command. The Great Commission to evangelize is just that – His Last Command. (Matthew 28:18-20). When we obey His command it will be a sign to all the world that we are in love-relationship with Him, our Lord and God. (John 14:21,31).
Listen to what the Spirit of Prophecy says on this: “If we love Jesus…we shall love to labor for Him. For His sake we shall covet pain and toil and sacrifice. We shall sympathize with His longing for the salvation of men. We shall feel the same tender craving for souls that He has felt. This is the religion of Christ. Anything short of it is a deception.” (Ellen G. White, Christ object lessons, 49-50)
Go ye and teach all groups of people you meet in the Good News of Jesus!

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