Saturday, July 25, 2015

Crossing the Jordan - United in Prayer. Part 2.

Every morning I receive an update from “Believe His Prophets” encouraging me to read or listen one chapter from the Bible.  The initiative of our church leaders is to get people into the Word.
A friend of mine says “there are two kinds of people in the church – (1) those who follow TV preachers and listen to conspiracy theorists, and (2) those who read the Bible and study for themselves.”  While it may be a bit exaggerated statement, as there more subgroups – like people who do not read, do not watch YouTube preachers, and there are those who do both, watch media and also study – it would greatly benefit our church family when everyone gets into the Word.
Back in 2011 we set 5 goals before the congregation, and the banner in church is there to remind you that one of the goals was “Read the Scripture.”  Here’s why I am repeating myself on this subject – the Bible: Evangelism is about sharing the message of Salvation and the Bible is the text.  If we do not have or know the Word, we have nothing to share.  Sharing personal feelings and experience, even if it is a positive one about your own repentance and conversion, is still not enough.  The Word of God, the Bible is the safeguard for all believers. 

Last week I wrote in the blog to you that the top priority outlined by the President Ted Wilson, is “getting every church member involved in evangelism and witnessing.”  And as the step in that direction getting immersed in the Word of God is essential.  At the Board meeting we discussed what would it take for us to become an Evangelistic church, where the culture of evangelism, culture of witnessing, culture of befriending people and introducing them to Christ would become evident.  The recommendation emerged that we must start praying for it.  In addition to dwelling in the Word of God, we must also pray for the Holy Spirit to motivate us, use us, move us to do His Will. I appreciate us coming together Wednesday nights, but the prayer initiative needs to grow beyond, and involve more people – praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our church, praying for the Holy Spirit to involve all people in ministry. As we continue united in Prayer remember this advice from the Spirit of Prophecy: “Just as long as the church is satisfied with small things, it is disqualified to receive the great things of God” (Home Missionary, November 1, 1893 par. 25). However, in another place we are told, “[God] is well pleased when they [us! our church] make the very highest demands upon Him, that they may glorify His name. They may expect large things if they have faith in His promises” (DA. 668).

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Crossing the Jordan - United in Prayer

It is good to be back, to be home, after 3 weeks long journey to the Division Ministerial session and the General Conference.  Having attended and watched all meetings and proceedings, it was interesting to read the minutes in the Adventist Review, to revisit details I had missed.  I am looking forward to share with you a report from the 60th General Conference tonight at 7 pm and answer the questions you may have.
The question on my mind for the past few days has been: How do I implement the vision and goals set by our leaders in my local ministry?  The top priority set by elder Ted Wilson, the re-elected President, in his interview with press right after the vote was “getting every church member involved in evangelism and witnessing.”  Yes and Amen!  What would it take for each one of you, my brothers and sisters to get involved in evangelism and witnessing?  How can I better teach and equip you for total involvement?  I always emphasized that the goal of Personal Ministry is simple – every person being a minister, every person doing a ministry.  We had talked about total involvement at church Board, at Business meetings, you have read on our weekly bulletins our motto – “every believer a minister.”  What would it take for you to get involved?
This past Thursday, July 16 2015, Ellen White Estate released online all previously unpublished manuscripts, letters, and scans of documents that they had in vaults, in commemoration of 100th anniversary of her rest.  (I invite you to check the website and subscribe!)
I don’t think any of our pioneers ever imagined that the church and believers would still be “on this side of the Jordan,” still waiting for Jesus’ Return, still having work to do before leaving this planet behind.  We cannot “check out” and must occupy till Jesus comes.  I think of Winston Churchill’s words “Success is not final. Failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."   When Ellen White breathed her last, Friday at 3:40 pm, her last words spoken a few days before her death were a biblical quote. In a faint whisper she said, "I know in whom I have believed." (2 Timothy 1:12)
The church had prayed 100 days together, and on Sunday, July 12 the 100-days of prayer initiative launched a new world-wide initiative “United in Prayer.”  We cannot stop, we cannot retreat, in the words of our President Wilson – we must “cross the Jordan.”  And prayer is needed to grow spiritually, to stay in relationship with God.  

“Just as long as the church is satisfied with small things, it is disqualified to receive the great things of God” (Home Missionary, November 1, 1893 par. 25). However, in another place we are told, “[God] is well pleased when they [us! our church] make the very highest demands upon Him, that they may glorify His name. They may expect large things if they have faith in His promises” (DA. 668).

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Arise! Shine! Jesus is Coming! Praying for Mission from 60th GC Conference

We had seen a lot of changes in church leadership during this past week. Presidents and total administration changed in some regions of the world where concerns were expressed for more transparency, integrity and accountability.  A delegate from West Africa went to the microphone to testify that the Holy Spirit is indeed at work, seeing change of leadership.  In EuroAsia (former USSR, including Russia, Ukraine, Afghanistan, and all the central Asian republics) a new godly President, Michael Kaminski, was elected.  He is the first ever Russian leader since the 1980s.  Until now, through all the turbulent years of perestroika, and fall of USSR, foreigners governed the church, raising a new generation of leaders.   The EuroAsian Division also receives new Secretary, a young leader from Ukraine who transformed the church there in the past 5 years as the Union president.  Many of you heard the report, how in two conferences the Conference offices were vacated to give its facilities for the Adventist Schools opening!  That’s setting priorities on Ministry!
Many retiring leaders were replaced with younger.  While it is God’s movement, the people are still human, with all kinds of limitations.  We must pray for new leaders elected in each of World divisions, and as many Unions will prepare to seek replacement for their leaders who had taken greater responsibilities, we must also pray for Union elections that will take place in the following two months.
There are also some things that stayed the same.  BY now most of you are in the know, that the vote on “Women Ordination” to be delegated to each Division did not pass.  On Wednesday, July 8, the Alamodome was filled as if it were Sabbath!  Some 700 delegates who were not around in the first 5 days of the session showed up for vote!  In total 2363 delegates voted: 5 abstained, 977 said YES, and 1381 said NO, a margin of 42:58 %

What does it mean for women in ministry?  The outcome of the vote is that we stay on the current policy, that we remain as is – each Union is responsible for making decisions on ordination J.  Women will continue as elders, preachers, teachers, pastors of churches, as no one, even among conservatives, would dare to object to the spiritual giftedness distributed by the Holy Spirit to women as well as men…but without official endorsement of their functional equality.  One of the discoveries made at this session was that the Global South is not only large in numbers, but more vocal than ever. While North America, Europe and Australia had invested financially over the past decades in developing Adventism in the “Global South,” more than money is needed.  Questions are raised that the time has come to consider the Mission at home, where the Gospel is needed most is in our neighbourhoods.  Pray for Mission everywhere!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Arise! Shine! Jesus is Coming. Blog from 60th GC Conference

The church had prayed 100 days for this meeting.  Over 2000 delegates, plus their families, and tens of thousands of visitors descended on San Antonio for two weekends.  Many will be coming just for a few days to meet friends and family, some are staying for the whole experience of Holy Spirit moving and speaking through the Church in session of representatives from around the world.
I hear often people ask “Why spend millions of dollars for such large meetings?”  “Would it not be more beneficial if all those who attend as visitors and delegates would just send it all into mission field?”
I must remind you that we are unique church – a representative model, where power and authority is vested in the people, and not in the few top executives.  There is a papal model where the top person, the pope has the say, and the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priests are following orders of the top-down hierarchy.  That is not how our church operates.  There is an episcopal model, accepted by many protestant denominations, where there is hierarchy of groups, but still a hierarchy, where the council of episcopes/bishops has the final say.  And then there is a different model, where people moved by the Holy Spirit delegate authority, authorize few to lead.  Jesus alone has the power and authority, and he has given it to ALL his followers, as we do His mission.
As I attended number of seminars, listened to 18 general session speakers, we were all reminded that the power of hierarchy is parallel and proportional to the neglect or ignorance of the people to exercise their power and authority.  1st John 2:27 challenges all believers that we have received the SAME anointing, those in full time ministry, and all believers who minister within their secular employment.
Our pioneer, Ellen G. White wrote against allowing “kingly powers” to develop in the church, where few powerful leaders make decisions for all.  It is during sessions like this one, where delegates, guests and visitors come and pray, dialogue, make decisions that the Holy Spirit affirms or corrects the direction of the church.  In the world that is spinning out of control and everything is “out of the closet,” the church must also shine, and not be hidden in some closet.  We must take more decided and distinct stand to affirm Biblical perspective on family, marriage, our origins in Creation, and our hope in the soon coming of the Lord Jesus.  The world needs a clarion call for order in a chaos, and be an immune system for the community attacked by viruses of evil.  And the cost – it’s less than $1 per member, as we celebrate almost 20 million Adventists world-wide.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to move the people, the living stones of the Body of Christ.