As you read this blog on Sabbath
morning we will be worshipping at the Young Generation Church (YG) in
Arlington, Texas, on our way to the General Conference. July 2 the session will officially begin with
the report of President Ted Wilson on the past 5 years work and advance of the
world-wide church. We had prayed for
almost 100 days about the unity and the influence of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit is in us even our smiles
reflect the fruit of the spirit, joy, love, kindness J
Please continue praying, and here
are few more key requests:
- Pray that the theme “Arise, Shine, Jesus is Coming” would take on a new significance for all Seventh-day Adventist during this General Conference Session, and that we would be compelled to get out and spread the gospel far and wide while the door of probation is still open.
- Pray for the July 4th Sabbath meetings, as the focus will be on Church in Mission. Pray that God will guide and direct all of the speakers and presenters, as well as the music that will be shared, to truly be a celebration of honor to God.
- Pray that God will give wisdom to the nominating committee in who should be nominated for key positions in General Conference leadership (from President, Secretary, Treasurer to Departmental Leaders) as well as for leadership in the Divisions.
- Pray for the discussion and votes that will be taken on technical changes to the General Conference Constitution and Bylaws, that these changes will be clear and just what is needed to help the organization run more smoothly. Pray for Robert Lemon, that God directs him as he prepares to give his “Treasurer Report” summarizing the past five years and where the church stands today.
- Pray that each of the delegates will experience their “first love” once again, and be challenged to go deeper in their walk with Christ during the Session.
- Pray for the last minute details and planning that is going on right now behind the scenes, that everything will fall into place for the glory and honor of God.
- Pray for the General Conference Steering Committee made up of leaders who will be deciding how each day’s agenda falls into place during Session. (The Agenda has already been made, but the Steering Committee implements it each day.)