I continue with updates on prayer
requests for the upcoming 60th General Conference Session in San
Antonio, Texas. Besides of what you
already prayed for (continue doing so J) these are new requests:
- Pray that what might have happened in 1901 in our church, will happen in this generation, and that God’s Spirit will be poured out enabling us to humble our hearts, make wrongs right, and finish His work with power, and whatever restructuring and reorganization is needed will take place, even if it was not planned for, to make our church more efficient for mission.
- Pray for clarity of thought and focus for the delegates during important meetings and decision-making.
- Pray that Holy Spirit would guide and even arrest people thinking into obedience to Christ.
- Pray for delegates representing Adventist Education, and for greater support and interest by all church members and administrators in maintaining Seventh-day Adventist education in a pure form in our schools!
- Pray for the large evangelistic campaign that Elder Wilson and hundreds of others are preaching right now in multiple sights across Zimbabwe.
- Pray for an increased participation and commitment in evangelism outreach by all church institutions as they support the ongoing mission of the church.
- Pray that the audio/visual and technical equipment work correctly and that people be able to hear well no matter where they sit in the building.
- Pray that that God will bring to the forefront godly, teachable, and humble leaders for the future, who will provide Christ-centered leadership, as His church fulfills its heaven-born mandate to the world.
- Pray that the Holy Spirit would be poured out in such rich measure at the upcoming General Conference Session that it would be evident to all that this is God’s church and He is in control.
- Pray for the young people that will be in attendance at the GC meetings, that they will see Jesus displayed in the lives of our leaders and long to follow and know Jesus more.
God will lead in all
the nominating committees and caucuses.
Our family will leave
London on June 25, travelling first to Austin, TX where pastors of North
America would meet June 27-30, then we will travel to be in San Antonio, and
will return home to London on July 13.