I read through the Sabbath School lesson this week I was asking myself “how
seriously do we want the revival?” the
word is used and abused, mostly for personal gain. Biblical concept of “revival” is about
putting on Christ (Col 3:10; Gal 3:27), being born anew, being revived by the
Spirit for a new life (Rom 8:11).
Revival is about receiving the power of the Holy Spirit, and it is not
for selfish use, but to be witnesses.
you want a revival? Do you want to be a
witness? These are synonymous! The ancient Biblical Greek word for witness
was “martyros” from which our English word martyr is derived.
Followers of Jesus were martyrs for the sake of witness. Followers of Jesus
began their day with a prayer “Lord Jesus, what is my cross today?”
want you to think of the Cross of Jesus.
In the words of apostle Paul “I die daily” (1 Cor 15:31). On the cross our self dies, success dies,
leadership abilities die. OUR strength –
nailed to the cross, OUR desires – nailed to the same cross! OUR weaknesses – nailed to the cross. We sing “I love to tell the story...” What stories do we love to tell? Mostly stories about our success, about our
happiness, about our deeds....Is that really the witness???
love to tell the story...of Jesus and His love.
Revival by the Spirit brings us to the cross, where we see the right
perspective, where things of this world grow dim, where burdens and anxieties
of materialism are tossed away. At the
cross we are invited to die to self.
Sweet, a theological poet, in his reflection on being the follower, has a
chapter entitled “from ‘show me the money’ to ‘count the cost.’ He asks a question of how many would pay
attention to a call “sell your dream house and follow me [Jesus] into this
lower-income neighbourhood.” Most
western Christians would never dream that God may ask such a thing. He challenges modern Christian to be
cross-bearers, and not cross-wearers. In
our Adventist culture of simplicity, modesty, born from the holiness movement
of 19th century, we do not wear jewelry, even if it’s shaped as a
cross. But do we carry the cross of
Jesus? Do we witness? Do we go where
Jesus goes?
don’t take over Jesus’ ministry now that he is gone. Through the power of the Holy Spirit He is
still here, being sent, going, in His Body, the Church being Christ to the
world. Witnessing we are called to is not an abstract stories telling about
doctrinal statements, it’s more that carrying His words. Witnessing is being Christ to the world
around us, it is to embody His life in us, and show His face.
revived for such a witness, for Christ to be formed in you!