Saturday, June 30, 2012

Pray for Romania & Russia

Today we lift in prayer Romania.  Seventh-day Adventists in Romania are Europe’s largest community of believers and are positively impacting even neighbouring countries.  Just this year church members distributed ½ million of Great Controversy copies!  Since the fall of communism the church planting has been very active, reaching every community. The country also has the largest presence of Roma (Gypsies).  Pray that the gospel work would have no limits, and church members would embrace ethnic and class differences, loving all, serving the needs of the poor.
Starting tomorrow we will pray one week for Russia.  The largest country in the world by territorial extent, it is 8th by population, having large distances between people and settlements in most areas (just like Canada, Mongolia, Libya, etc.).  9 time zones span between Baltic and Pacific.  Western Russia is more densely populated and has two federal cities Moscow (the most expensive in the world to live in!) with over 10 million population, and St.Petersburg with 5 million people.  Pray for these policy making cities to be influenced by justice, righteousness, and Godly values.
The Russian Orthodox Church has very strong influence over the army, politics and minds of people.   Just this last week I watched a “crusade” by members of the Orthodox church destroy an Adventist literature booth (check my FB blog/status).  Pray for religious freedom to be protected in Russia.
Decades of corrupt practices also affected the church structures, where bribery is accepted as normal.  Pray that Adventist church would be an example of integrity, transparency and honesty to the people of the land.
Special need for prayer is for the Caucasus region with its autonomous republics of Adygea, Karachay–Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia–Alania, Ingushetia, Chechnya, Dagestan are in continuous turmoil of ethnic infighting, terrorism, clashes between armed forces and local militants.  Islamism is on the rise and local cultural traditions are used as an excuse for un lawful practices.  The Adventist church is very small in those regions.  Pray for safety and protection of pastors and missionaries.
Pray for the youth of Russia, lured by rapidly growing materialistic culture, Russian version of free-enterprise, rule of oligarchs – their interest is in secular pursuits, pleasure and quick money.  Pray for spiritual revival of basic godliness.  Pray for existent churches to drop traditionalism and embrace seekers.
AIDS epidemic in major cities is reaching catastrophic proportions, homeless population is growing, alcoholism is “national disaster” – highest world rates of alcohol induced diseases, also contributing to violence.  High rate of human trafficking and slavery of children is also a concern of human rights activists.  Pray for God’s protection of people and opportunities of hope in Russia.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pray for Philippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar

Yesterday we started praying for Philippines, where Adventist church is nearing 1% of population.  This country supports the Adventist University training workers for the Southern Asia and Pacific regions of our church.  Since 1980s the church experienced phenomenal growth there.
Today we pray for Mindanao island and conflict with Islamist fractions frequently attacking Christians. Also for witness to Muslim Tausug, Samal & Yakan people of the Sulu islands.
Tomorrow we invite you to pray for scores of Adventist educational institutions on Philippine islands.  Schools are our main evangelistic outreach. Formerly Christianity was known through the Catholic church and today Catholics are still effective as missionaries, serving even outside the country.  Pray for genuine search for present truth by believers, freedom from superstitious beliefs and cultural traditions when it comes to faith. 
Many Pilipino Christians work in the Middle East, in Arab countries seasonally.  Pray that their Christian witness will be positive and create opportunities for Muslim world to know Jesus.  Pray for emigrants to seek integration into communities where they live instead of staying in ethnic conclaves.  Pray for Pilipino Adventists in Canada, in London, to seek fellowship of believers.
Special emphasis in prayers is for the capital city Manila with over 12 million population.  Pray for the local churches to be involved in social mission and need oriented evangelism.  In the city where 5000 people migrate to daily, many live in slums, built on city’s rubbish dumps. Pray that churches, which are often located in more affluent areas would minister to the poor.
On Wednesday we lift in prayer Portugal. Portuguese Church has a unique role to play because of the widespread use of the language in Africa, Asia and South America. Adventist church is very small, less than 0.1%.  Pray for breakthrough from the Catholic dominance.  Pray also for Portuguese emigrants who live in our community.  Many do know Adventist message.  Pray for commitment to live according to the Present Truth they know.
Thursday we lift in prayers 4 conferences on the island of Puerto Rico.  Being a territory of USA, it is a Free State.  This unique position creates challenges for the mindset of people – exposed to temptations of materialism where 45% live below poverty.  Half of the island relies on the food stamps.  It is poorer than any territory in USA.  The island has also the highest rate of HIV/AIDS as compared to US territories.  The church is taking creative steps to growth and service.  Pray for wisdom of church leaders and integrity of church ministries.
Friday we pray for Qatar. Christianity entered this country only in 1985.  Adventist church is present among Asian migrant workers. It is considered the top richest country in the world by GDP per population.  Oil and gas reserves give independence to the government to dictate their own policies.  Currently it is governed by Sunni Muslim tradition.  Only recently Christian church was permitted to own buildings.  In 2008 Roman Catholic church was opened.  Pray for freedom of Christian witness and receptivity of local people to the Gospel message.  

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Pray for Peru, Panama, Papua, Paraguay, Poland, Philippines

Last week we prayed for Pakistan, and on Friday for peace in Palestine.  Having returned back to our regular worship place we continue our prayer for the world.
Today we pray for Peru, where nearly 2% of population are Adventists!  Home of former Inca Empire, today indigenous people are exploited by foreign companies for oil and minerals.   The Quecha word “peru” means abundance.  Pray that the local people would have access to the abundance.  It is frequent that we hear news reports of Peruvian miners trapped underground.   Pray for the protection of human rights and humanitarian care in that country.  Adventist church operates 3 clinics and over 300 educational institutions there.   Majority of the church members are young, under 35!  Pray for leadership wisdom in this rapidly growing church.
Sunday we will pray for Panama, with Adventist population of 3%.  Popular tourist place it is also strategic trafficking place causing diversity of cultures, secularism, materialism and crime.  Adventist church is very young.  More that 60% are under 30.  Pray for continuing mission through education and medical services.
Monday we lift in prayers Papua New Guinea, where 4% of people are Adventists.  It is common to have Adventists occupy high government positions, even Governor General.  Adventist church is very influential, yet tribalism still exist and church officials often are involved in settling political disputes among warring factions.  Pray for spiritual growth, for individuals to grow in Christ and be transformed by Christ love.   Tribal groups on the island speak more than 800 languages, and until recent decades were disconnected through tribal animosity.  This territory was known for cannibalism in the early 20th century.  Today the power of the Gospel is transforming the land and its people.  Continue praying for miracles of the Holy Spirit there.
Tuesday we lift in prayer Paraguay.  A country that is listed in “horrible histories” as a unique for loosing 80% of its population during a tyrannical dictatorship in the 1860s, and then being resettled with foreigners from Western and Eastern Europe.  Native Guarani Indians are using their language and preserving their cultural heritage amidst Spanish culture, where books and Bibles are in Spanish.  Pray for ethnically clustered churches to reach out to the native population with mission.      
Wednesday & Thursday we will lift Poland in prayer.  Two days – not just because they are co-hosting the Euro football (soccer) cup with Ukraine J, but for the size of its population.  Predominantly Catholic country it has a very small evangelical presence, very small Adventist church.  Jehovah’s Witnesses outnumber Evangelical Christians 2:1!  There are as many Polish emigrants around the world as there are citizens in the country. Pray that as Polish emigrants learn progressive truth they would share with their relatives in the homeland.  There has been not much growth in the church during the past 10 years.  Since it became a part of European Union, materialism has been the greatest obstacle to spiritual search.
Friday we will begin a 5-day prayer for Philippines, where Adventist church is nearing 1% of population.  Home of the Adventist University training workers for the Southern Asia and Pacific regions of our church.  In 1980s these islands experienced phenomenal growth and by 2005 were reporting over 1 million members.  However in recent years the membership audits confirm only half of the numbers.  Pray for retention of believers.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Pray for Nicaragua, Niger, Norway, Oman, Pakistan

Today we pray for Nicaragua, the largest Central American country.  This nation is special to my heart as it is a homeland of my wife, Sandra.  Unique country in many aspects – fresh water sharks in lake Nicaragua, 40 volcanoes, first among Latin countries and first in Western hemisphere to elect a female head of state, mix of Spanish, indigenous Miskito, Sumo, and Rama tribes, and Caribbean Black Creole it is a diverse nation.  In 1960  this predominantly Catholic country had about 2% of evangelicals.  Today only the Seventh-day Adventist church has 2% of people as adherents, and evangelical church is above 30%.  In many places women and youth are leading the work.  Pray for increase in leadership for fast growing church.  Pray for economic justice and recovery after years of civil wars.
Sunday we lift in prayer Niger, a West African country listed one before last on the human development index by UN.  Located in the Sahara desert, predominantly Muslim (97%) 75% of people groups never heard the Gospel.  ADRA has mission projects there, trying to alleviate hunger where people eat grass of scarcity.  Most rural tribes practice ethnic religion of animistic superstitions.  Pray for showers of blessing and a torrential move of people to Christ.
Monday we lift in prayer Norway,  a Scandinavian Kingdom, listed as No.1 on UN list of development and quality of life!  High materialism and secularism, coupled with Lutheran State Church nominalism makes it difficult to invite people into spiritual conversations.  Recently the nation was shocked by 2011 terrorist attacks of Oslo bombing and Utøya massacre carried by Anders Breivik left the nation in grief.  Pray for Spiritual revival.  Adventist church has 11 elementary schools and a college as main means of witness.
Tuesday we lift in prayer Oman, mountainous land on the southeast coast of Arabia, also controlling the strategic tip (Muskat) that dominates the entrance to the Arabian/Persian Gulf.  Christian exists among foreign workers and nomadic tribes speaking Swahili in the southern part of the country.  Rich in oil the sultanate is relatively doing well economically, but it was touched by the Arab uprisings in the spring of 2011.  Pray for openness to hear the Gospel.  Currently proselytizing is forbidden, but our church is broadcasting on radio and TV in Arabic language the gospel.
Wednesday we will begin nine (9) days of prayer for Pakistan. Sixth largest country by population.    A country created in 1947 for Muslims who separated from Hindus it became an Islamic republic.  The 1971 civil war separated East Pakistan to become Bangladesh. The nation continues warring with India, and its North-west borders volatile Afghanistan.  The country has harsh laws against Evangelism and Adventist church has the largest witness through the hospital in Karachi and chain of elementary school, providing literacy to marginalized.  Pray for two major ethnic groups Punjabi and Urdu to have peace and seek justice We will continue to pray the next week also for Pakistan.