Saturday, November 26, 2011
praying for: Central Africa, Chad, Chile, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, & China
But first - today’s prayer is for Central African Republic. Much needed is peace and stability especially in the north east region. Constant uprisings and banditry halt government’s already insufficient efforts to restore the infrastructure. Anarchy continues to reign in the north of the country, and hundreds of thousands have fled their homes in the past few years. Pray that banditry and chaos might not prevail and that a strong and just central government can establish peace throughout the country. Adventist church is present less than in Canada (by percentage), however there is strong potential for growth and outreach.
On Sunday we turn our prayers to it’s north neighbour – Chad, the source of banditry and rebel groups. A country with 53% population Muslim, has one of the lowest Adventist presence in Africa –1 per 3,000. Chad is one of very few Muslim-majority countries where Christian workers are still welcome and find openness and access, where the government is truly secular in its operations. Pray that the doors of opportunity to witness would remain open.
Monday we cross the ocean in Prayer for Chile. I had a privilege to spend a couple of weeks there in 2008 on Maranatha mission trip. Its population is slightly larger than Ontario, and Adventist Church is over 120,000! They embrace the ministry of all believers with lay members actively involved in evangelism and church planting. However, the country still has not fully recovered from consequences of the military dictatorship ousted in 1988. Remote villages need much infrastructure development. Majority are Catholic and open to superstitious beliefs. Pray for church to take leadership in developing the new generation.
Hong Kong, a city state with over 7 million population is the gateway into China. Christian publications and missionaries go through Hong Kong into mainland China. Adventist church is only 4600 strong. Continue praying for Christian witness to remain a positive influence for the rest of China.
Macau, west of Hong Kong, also city-state, but much smaller, only half a million people, experiences different dynamics. It is less Christian. Adventist church has about 200 people. It was the first Christian territory in Asia to become non-Christian. Occupied by Portuguese, by 1600s 95% of Macau’s population were Catholic. Today less than 3% claim Christianity. Pray for restoration of the Gospel.
On Thursday we pray for Taiwan, a mountainous island 160 km east of mainland China, the most densely populated territory on earth. 81% of people live in cities. It has a controversial and ambiguous political status – de facto independent, yet de jure a renegade province of China. Claiming independence would almost certainly bring a hostile, even military response from China. Adventist presence is the same proportionately as in the rest of China. More would be written over the next two weeks on church needs in China.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
praying for: Cambodia, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde Islands, Cayman Islands
Today our prayers are for Kingdom of Cambodia. Nearly 2 million were killed in 1975-79 genocide. Many left the country as refugees. Three decades later people are still waiting for the trial over those who perpetrated atrocities. The corruption of government prevents justice. Only this month, November 21st the International Tribunal will begin the trial over living top leaders of Pol Pot’s government. Many cope with the trauma through detachment and suppression of trauma, some by inflicting pain on others. Pray that counselling and the Holy Spirit might bring true restoration. Pray that Cambodians who were introduced to Christ in their new countries would minister to their homeland the Gospel.
Tomorrow we will pray for Burundi, another war thorn country, where Hutu/Tutsi conflict in the 1990s caused mass exodus of refugees into neighbouring countries, and many migrants elsewhere. One of 10 least developed countries in the world Burundi is looking for prospective peaceful future. The surplus of firearms from decades of conflict and widespread poverty causes violent crime, especially armed robbery. Churches run disarmament and gun amnesty programmes. Pray for moral integrity of Christian leaders. Large Adventist presence, nearly 2% of population is making a difference for peace.
On Monday we lift in prayers Cameroon, a “hinge” country between Central and Western Africa, with wide diversity of cultures and languages. Pray for peacemakers, for unity, for examples of righteousness through Christian church.
Thursday we will pray for Cape Verde islands, former Portuguese colony, these 15 islands 600 kms west of Africa. Most Caboverdians are Catholic in name, but in practice are more influenced by superstitions and African fetishism. Adventist church is making a difference with membership reaching already 1.5% of population. Pray for relief of poverty, and spiritual resources.
Friday we will pray for Cayman Islands, typical of many Caribbean territories, Adventist church is large and growing. 1 out of 14 are adherents to Adventism. There is 1 chruch per every 500 people on three islands. The nation’s flag bears part of Psalm 24, “He hath founded it upon the seas”. Evangelical Christianity should make an impact amid the materialism and hedonism, as the Islands’ reputation as an offshore banking and tax haven, with 600 banks there make it vulnerable to money laundering operations, and attract criminal elements.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
praying for: Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso
On Wednesday we lift in prayer Brunei, a relatively small country on the island of Borneo where population is about that of our London. There is no Adventist presence in this country, even though there are many Adventists in Malaysia and Indonesia which share the territory of this island. Extreme Islamization presents a problem for the freedom of Christian faith. It is one of 51 countries where Christianity is illegal.
On Thursday we will pray for Bulgaria. A family in our congregation -Polihronovs - are natives of that country. This week they had received their Canadian citizenship. As you congratulate them also remember their country of origin in your prayers. Large emigration from that country into Western Europe and Americas reduced the number of Adventists remaining in that country. The church is yet to emerge for impacting community, for transforming the faith and people in that part of the world. As the country is recovering from totalitarian communistic era, corruption, nepotism in politics, pray for the church to conduct its work free from political contamination, pray for revival and spiritual passion among believers.
On Friday we will move our prayers to Burkina Faso (formerly known as Upper Volta), it was renamed in 1984 with a native meaning “the land of upright people,” seeking to restore the integrity of fatherland. It is a relatively small West African country, landlocked north of Ghana. Pray for peace between two major tribes –Mossi whose empire lasted over 800 years, and Mande. The country is half Muslim half Christian, yet animism is practiced in tandem.
All these are God’s harvest field, for which the labourers are needed. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
praying for: Botswana, British Indian Ocean and Virgin islands, Brazil
We continue praying for countries of the world. Today we lift before God African country Botswana, where Adventist Message had reached 1 out of 66 people. A relatively high presence, yet the country is sinking in immorality, drunkenness and despair. Tswana tribes and Zulu people had been evangelized, but many other tribes still adhere to animistic worldviews. We praise God for the stability that enables the government to build up the nation’s infrastructure and give thanks also for religious freedom and openness. Revival is needed among Christian churches.
Sunday we lift in prayer islands in Indian Ocean under British control. The main island, Diego Garcia, was discovered by the Portuguese in 16th century and carries an interesting historic heritage. Since 1960s natives were moved to Mauritius to free the space for military based operated by USA & UK. Currently there no Adventist presence among service workers and personnel of the base. Since 2000 people are returning and reclaiming islands.
Monday we focus on British Virgin Islands in Caribbean, known as the most beautiful “paradise” attracting wealthy tourists. The church is present, where 1 out 15 is an Adventist. Pray that lifestyles of believers will be a transforming example.
On Tuesday we will begin 8 days prayer for Brazil. The largest Latin country with almost 200 million population it has the largest Adventist church of 1.3 million believers. Rapidly rising as the new economic and political superpower, part of the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China,) it also presents large challenges.
Notorious for largest and most disadvantaged slums, favelas, the country needs social justice. Even though a melting pot of ethnic groups, its Black/Moreno population is the poorest in ratio. Racial difference are big problem. Kardecism, Macumba and Umbanda, African rooted spiritism is practiced by even those who claim to be Christians. Predominantly Catholic this country has seen rapid rise of Evangelical churches and it is changing the country for better. Yet, spiritualism and charismatic deceptions are also present. Over 50% of population are under 18 years of age. Pray that sufficient care would be invested to children and youth.
A special emphasis in prayer is requested for indigenous people and ecology of Amazon basin. There are still tribes that live in a primitive way, and the destructive industrial invasion is not benefiting the local people. Pray for church missionaries in that field.
All these are God’s harvest field, for which the labourers are needed. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!