Through the month of January we had journeyed in the Book of Acts, the diary of the first Christian community, where the DNA of faith was fresh, original, directly from Jesus. As we reviewed the first 4 chapters it is evident that there were four typical activities practiced by Christians regularly, as highlighted in Acts 2:42.
(1) continued steadfastly devoted to teachings of the apostles
(2) fellowship of generosity,
(3) breaking of bread, and eating from house to house
(4) corporate prayers together.
Simple four practices, nothing extraordinary. Yet how rarely are these practiced nowadays. How frequently do you attend teaching sessions, seminars, workshops at the church offered by the pastor and visiting ministers? How generous are you in helping needs of brothers and sisters in the church family? When have you last invited a family from the church for lunch? How often do you come to the dedicated mid-week prayer meetings? I am not even stressing the “daily” element of Acts 2!
The chance we have for a revival is to live and believe as the first Christians did – wholeheartedly. The four “genes” listed above were possible because of the “homothumadon” dynamics in the church – they were in “one accord,” best translated – they were all moved by same desire for Jesus, had same passions, their hearts connected, were in sync, they were tuned to one another.
Search your heart – who are you connecting with? Who are the people your heart is most comfortable around? Someone said: show me your friends and I will know who you are. This ancient truism is valid always – we gravitate to people with like passions, with like desires and direction in life. Who do you “resonate” from? Who “turns your clock”?
As we take a break to resume the Book of Acts journey in March & April – revive your “Christian genes:” attend the Prayer meeting, invite someone home, go visit others, bless generously someone in need, and.....please attend pastor’s teachings on Mission!!!