This past Monday’s stock markets plummeted causing comments in papers of global economic crash and crisis. This plunge provokes fears of recession. This bad “R” word is now openly used by economists. How are we to react in view of possible economic hardships? Looking at the giving trends of our churches – tithe continue to increase, God continues to bless people, and often in times of crisis people turn to God even more, realizing that we cannot afford not to return what is already His, for then we would not be just robbing God, but robbing ourselves.
As I think about the Tithe I wonder if people truly understand its meaning. Does God need our money? Church members are often concerned what happens to their tithe. What happened to offerings brought to the temple in ancient Israel? They were burned up in most cases. Did people see it as a waste; after all it could’ve been eaten, or sold back in the temple market? What if your deacons would collect the tithe, and then ceremonially set it on fire? Would you get upset? The tithe is holy unto the Lord, meaning it is separated for Lord’s use. (Leviticus 27:30-33) It is simply a token of our trust, minimum test of our faith commitment. Think of this: the moment you set one tenth of your income apart into an envelope in a form of cheque, or cash, designate it as tithe and seal it – it becomes holy! You actually handle the Holy as you bring it and place as an offering of trust.
Recent research of church members shows that those in financial troubles, debt, bankruptcies did not handle holy, did not return tithe, they thought they could not afford to tithe. They did not understand that none can afford not to tithe, and be on your own without God blessings. Reality is that only 35% of church members are faithful in tithe. The comment made by one of our pioneers over a century ago is still valid today: “If all the tithes of our people flowed into the treasury of the Lord as they should, such blessings would be received that gifts and offerings for sacred purposes would be multiplied tenfold, and thus the channel between God and man would be kept open.” (E.G.White “Testimonies” Vol.4 p.474) Think of the possibilities that we are missing!!! Some people are audacious enough to decide themselves how their tithe should be used – diverting it into local church budget, or their pet projects, playing gods and deciding the use of the holy…
While tithe is increasing – the local Budget giving and special projects offering has plunged. People are more cautious about giving in uncertain times. Analyzing giving trends in our congregations for the past three years it is evident that if we would be faithful in tithe and offerings we would afford 3 pastors to do the soul winning in our city, and have 10 times more money for the local ministries. Our church families in London (both churches) handle every year over 5 million dollars in personal income combined. Less that $400,000 are dedicated to the Kingdom of God and its growth. We brought nothing into this world d, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. (1st Timothy 6:7) Hence we better consider on sending what we have on ahead. Jesus taught an interesting principle about giving: "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth….but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (Matthew 6:19-20) I’ve highlighted the “for yourselves” on purpose – giving what you have to God’s cause is not giving it to God at all – it is storing for yourselves!!! Think about it – for myself, for yourself, for our own benefit in eternity. God is Possessor of heaven and earth (Genesis 14:19). When we assume that we are giving something to him we are belittling God. We are invited to manage what is given for our temporary use to benefit ourselves in eternity – do not waste this opportunity, it’s better than doubling stocks.