For the past five months I’ve been writing and communicating one thing – evangelism. Started it in June – Evangelism begins at home, focusing on relationship building as first step of influencing people. Then in July we talked about the sequence of Evangelism – “Pray-Care-Share,” emphasizing aspects of Passionate Spirituality and Loving Relationships as the groundwork for sharing the Good News.
The Fall season began with a reminder of Jesus’ model of Evangelism (Luke 10:5-9) with four simple steps: bless, build relationships, bring healing, and then introduce the Kingdom of God. This is possible only when we have experienced the same ourselves. We can comfort others only with comfort we have received (2nd Cor.1:3-4) and the time for ‘comforting” evangelism is always ripe – there are always people in need of grace, there are always people who need peace, mercy, healing, help, love and answers. God’s Harvest time is on all the time, every-time and anytime consistently. It’s not over until heaven-time. Even in heaven teaching, sharing and growing will continue. Hence, as people of Advent Message we embrace the lifestyle of sharing the Gospel, not because we ought to, not because of some motivational speaker or an event that prompted us to, but because it is our nature now.
This coming Sunday the spiritual leaders of our religious community – your elders – will come together for a time of planning and strategizing. Lift them up in prayer. Pray that they will be so in tune with God that they would discover Father’s agenda. That they would lead us to heaven’s drum-beat. That’s what Jesus did when He was here – watched the father at work and joined him always. That’s what Jesus did while on earth – Evangelism.
Leaving he told us how to be in His presence even now– go fishing & I will be with you (Matthew 28:18-20). Get going, make disciples, teach people and then God will be with you always. Missed God lately? Go and share the Gospel – you’ll discover God joining you in witnessing. Can’t witness? Watch for god at work in someone’s life and simply go visit, come close to observe god at work, and you will see what is required of you too…
“Feel the same tender craving for souls that Jesus has felt. This is true religion. Anything short of it is a deception.” This was the motto of our pioneers, the faith by which they lived by. Evangelism is simply our reason for being here…
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Reformation Evangelism scoldings?! or OBEDIENCE....
Looking over an article in Toronto Star this Tuesday i noticed an interesting comment “Spurred by papal scoldings… Canada's Catholic church is positioning itself to take a much more active role in the country's politics (speaking on the same-sex marriage debate). In their pilgrimages to Rome over the past several months, Canada's bishops were repeatedly admonished by Pope Benedict XVI for allowing Christian traditions to slip in Canada in the face of growing secularism.
Why does it take “scolding” and a pilgrimage to remind Christians of their duty? Isn’t having relationship with Christ enough to keep us focused on what is right? People today don't really have a sense of personal sin or reflection. Society is becoming more selfish and hedonistic. The church is here to be the light in this world. Yet, we look more often than not like a flush under a bushel.
Take an evangelism for instance. Apostle Paul writes to the Church in Rome: “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!" (Romans 10:13-15)
How will they – the outsiders – believe if they don’t hear the preacher? Recently, at the elders meeting and then at the Board meeting, we were discussing Evangelism, emphasizing the fact that every activity of the church must lead to evangelism. Community services, CHIP, community choir, renting our facility to other people – everything should have one goal: lead people to Jesus, lead people to believe. These ministries are not “an end of all means” but only “means to a greater end”! If we just feed, clothe, counsel, heal, socialize and mingle – we have not accomplished the goal. We have made the first and second step toward the goal – but not the journey. Do not stop – lead all to hear the Gospel preached. The mid-week preaching series and Evangelistic seminars are designed to arouse people’s interest in Gospel and the Good News we have in Jesus. Come and bring the community. Take invitations and go call on people. Sad to admit, but Paul continues to say that even in the days of the first Apostolic Church “not all obeyed the gospel.” (Romans 10:16)
Some have been even upset lately about the board in the foyer inviting parents to consider importance and need of the Christian Education for our little ones. The Daily Telegraph of October 17th runs an article informing parents that primary school teachers will be required by new "sexual orientation" laws to make gay rights books available in class. Children would have to read books such as Hello Sailor, The Sissy Duckling and Daddy's New Roommate, which are on a Government-recommended reading list for challenging "homophobia". The regulations were due to come in this month but have been postponed until the New Year after officials were inundated with responses during a consultation exercise. What are your kids reading in that secular public school? What poster is hanging in your kids’ bedroom? What are you children listening to on their iPods? Maybe its time to obey God’s Voice and let them read the Bible in reading classes?
Having worked at Pioneer Memorial Church I learned Dwight Nelson’s principle of stewardship: simple as 1, 2, 3!!! It is imprinted on their local church tithe envelopes – yeah! custom designed just for their congregation!!!
Why does it take “scolding” and a pilgrimage to remind Christians of their duty? Isn’t having relationship with Christ enough to keep us focused on what is right? People today don't really have a sense of personal sin or reflection. Society is becoming more selfish and hedonistic. The church is here to be the light in this world. Yet, we look more often than not like a flush under a bushel.
Take an evangelism for instance. Apostle Paul writes to the Church in Rome: “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!" (Romans 10:13-15)
How will they – the outsiders – believe if they don’t hear the preacher? Recently, at the elders meeting and then at the Board meeting, we were discussing Evangelism, emphasizing the fact that every activity of the church must lead to evangelism. Community services, CHIP, community choir, renting our facility to other people – everything should have one goal: lead people to Jesus, lead people to believe. These ministries are not “an end of all means” but only “means to a greater end”! If we just feed, clothe, counsel, heal, socialize and mingle – we have not accomplished the goal. We have made the first and second step toward the goal – but not the journey. Do not stop – lead all to hear the Gospel preached. The mid-week preaching series and Evangelistic seminars are designed to arouse people’s interest in Gospel and the Good News we have in Jesus. Come and bring the community. Take invitations and go call on people. Sad to admit, but Paul continues to say that even in the days of the first Apostolic Church “not all obeyed the gospel.” (Romans 10:16)
Some have been even upset lately about the board in the foyer inviting parents to consider importance and need of the Christian Education for our little ones. The Daily Telegraph of October 17th runs an article informing parents that primary school teachers will be required by new "sexual orientation" laws to make gay rights books available in class. Children would have to read books such as Hello Sailor, The Sissy Duckling and Daddy's New Roommate, which are on a Government-recommended reading list for challenging "homophobia". The regulations were due to come in this month but have been postponed until the New Year after officials were inundated with responses during a consultation exercise. What are your kids reading in that secular public school? What poster is hanging in your kids’ bedroom? What are you children listening to on their iPods? Maybe its time to obey God’s Voice and let them read the Bible in reading classes?
Having worked at Pioneer Memorial Church I learned Dwight Nelson’s principle of stewardship: simple as 1, 2, 3!!! It is imprinted on their local church tithe envelopes – yeah! custom designed just for their congregation!!!
- 1 – God’s Tithe i.e. Ministry
- 2 – God’s Church i.e. Budget
- 3 – God’s Children i.e. Education
What would it take for us as a church family to recognize our responsibility in the community we live? Scolding from the President? An appeal from the 3ABN TV screen? Or a pilgrimage to another Maranatha training session? Or maybe simply remembering that we are called by Jesus to be the light in this world, leading others to the Greatest Light ever, to the Source of all Light – Jesus, the Love of our lives!!! Don’t like changes? Jesus came that we may change, and be born anew. Remember: faith comes from hearing, and hearing – from the Word of God. (Romans 10:17)
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Evangelism – sharing good News about Jesus – is our Lifestyle!
Last Friday all Adventist church leaders from all around the world came together for the Annual Council at the Adventist Church’s world headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland. Our church leadership recognizes the need for flexibility and change. As the church has grown and become more complex and diverse, greater flexibility in its organization is necessary. Baptizing more than a million new members every year the church has come together to take a closer look on its core values: growth, diversity, integrity, unity, and quality of life while maintaining our theological identity.
Special emphasis is on youth! In the opening address the general Conference President Jan Paulsen noted that “over half of our global community is under 30 years of age, and the youth need to be heard and have an active presence in our church.”
The main value of the Seventh-day Adventist Church has long been—and remains— Evangelism as a Lifestyle. “Jesus has not called us to convert the world, but He has called us to give them an opportunity to be converted,” said evangelist Mark Finley, a general vice president of the Adventist world church and director of its Center of Global Evangelism, commenting on the new initiatives.
The initiative everyone is talking about – “Tell the World” has its goal to provide a way for every human being in the world to hear the gospel within the next five years. This means: major evangelistic outreaches in 27 major cities around the world; add 20,000 new churches; conduct 400,000 evangelistic meetings; implement “Go 5 Million,” where five million laypeople each bring one soul to Christ and invite them to church; encourage church members to increase their involvement in community service outreach; get every church member involved in personal, daily Bible study and prayer; and use media—including the Internet—to reach the world.
More theologians observe that apologetics has less impact in evangelism today than in past generations. Today people aren't as impressed with evidences that demand a verdict, with arguments and information. Churches that have small groups, warm fellowship, that draw people to an atmosphere of love, have things happening! People want relationships; they want to know there are people who care about them. When they find that, then they will hear the gospel, and not just a Grand-story, but as a personal, your own testimony, what's happened to you along the way, telling how coming to trust Jesus Christ has made a difference in your life. When someone hears that story, and it overlaps their story, there's a way in which that can connect. Knowing and keeping Commandments is only once of identifying marks of God’s Remnant Church (Revelation 12:17) Another characteristic is “having the Testimony of Jesus.” Just a few verses above (12:11) John writes that the last-day church was overcoming this world not only “by the blood of the Lamb” – which is given; but also “by the word of their testimony.” Overcoming by our testimony to people in the world around us. How’s your testimony? Are you ready to Tell the World? Evangelism is our calling, our purpose, our life. Are you in?
Special emphasis is on youth! In the opening address the general Conference President Jan Paulsen noted that “over half of our global community is under 30 years of age, and the youth need to be heard and have an active presence in our church.”
The main value of the Seventh-day Adventist Church has long been—and remains— Evangelism as a Lifestyle. “Jesus has not called us to convert the world, but He has called us to give them an opportunity to be converted,” said evangelist Mark Finley, a general vice president of the Adventist world church and director of its Center of Global Evangelism, commenting on the new initiatives.
The initiative everyone is talking about – “Tell the World” has its goal to provide a way for every human being in the world to hear the gospel within the next five years. This means: major evangelistic outreaches in 27 major cities around the world; add 20,000 new churches; conduct 400,000 evangelistic meetings; implement “Go 5 Million,” where five million laypeople each bring one soul to Christ and invite them to church; encourage church members to increase their involvement in community service outreach; get every church member involved in personal, daily Bible study and prayer; and use media—including the Internet—to reach the world.
More theologians observe that apologetics has less impact in evangelism today than in past generations. Today people aren't as impressed with evidences that demand a verdict, with arguments and information. Churches that have small groups, warm fellowship, that draw people to an atmosphere of love, have things happening! People want relationships; they want to know there are people who care about them. When they find that, then they will hear the gospel, and not just a Grand-story, but as a personal, your own testimony, what's happened to you along the way, telling how coming to trust Jesus Christ has made a difference in your life. When someone hears that story, and it overlaps their story, there's a way in which that can connect. Knowing and keeping Commandments is only once of identifying marks of God’s Remnant Church (Revelation 12:17) Another characteristic is “having the Testimony of Jesus.” Just a few verses above (12:11) John writes that the last-day church was overcoming this world not only “by the blood of the Lamb” – which is given; but also “by the word of their testimony.” Overcoming by our testimony to people in the world around us. How’s your testimony? Are you ready to Tell the World? Evangelism is our calling, our purpose, our life. Are you in?
Saturday, October 7, 2006
Reformation Continues ... through Evangelism!
With an astonished look I read the Catholic News reporting this Wednesday morning that the Pope will end the Doctrine of Limbo this weekend. The process of doing away with Limbo had began under the late John Paul II and was backed by the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger - now Pope Benedict XVI. Now a 30-strong Vatican theologians concluded that there is no Limbo, no purgatory, no half-way house.
Some publications carried headings like Pope shrinking borders of hell. Since early 13th century this teaching collected much money for the church on behalf of the souls awaiting liberation from purgatory. Now it has been declared “only a theological hypothesis” that has “no scriptural grounds” and had “never been a definitive truth of the faith”. Such a conclusion revokes the catechism published by Pope St Pius X in 1904. So much for infallibility.
Great! So what? Catholics are finally getting some things right! – you may think. Until you look at the bigger picture. The purpose for this and many other changes is – ecumenism, bringing all “daughter” churches together. Last year (2005) a leading evangelical theologian Mark Noll has co-authored a book Is the Reformation Over?: An Evangelical Assessment of Contemporary Roman Catholicism. In which he concludes: Yes! The Reformation is over. There is no point for Evangelicals to keep apart in isolation from the Catholic church –mother of all Christian churches.
Wow! First Lutherans signed the treaty, then Calvinists, now – evangelicals, Anabaptists and followers of Wesley… Who’s next? What’s the catch? Little concession calls for a great price, little compromise costs the truth.
We have been entrusted with the Message of Revelation, the Message of three Angels (Revelation 14:6-12). We have been called to call people out from Babylon of churches for the hour of Judgment that is upon all. How are we doing it? We also believe that we are carriers of the Fourth Angel’s message (Revelation 18:1-3) – the final call to all in confusion to come out of falsity and escape God’s wrath. I am talking about the angel from whose glory the earth was lightened. We proudly claim the Remnant status emphasizing our keeping of the Commandments (Revelation 12:17). Let’s remind each other that that is only first identifying sign. Another characteristic is “having the Testimony of Jesus, being in tune with the Spirit of Prophecy. Just a few verses above (Revelation 12:11) John saw that the last-day church was overcoming this world not only “by the blood of the Lamb” – which is given; but also “by the word of their testimony.” That’s yours & mine! Overcoming by our testimony to people in the world around us.
How’s your testimony? Who have you shared Jesus with this week? Who have you called out of Babylon in the past few days? Have you forsaken offers of this world for God?
Is the Reformation over? Not at all! It continues by our testimony…
Evangelism is our calling, our purpose, our life. Are you in?
Some publications carried headings like Pope shrinking borders of hell. Since early 13th century this teaching collected much money for the church on behalf of the souls awaiting liberation from purgatory. Now it has been declared “only a theological hypothesis” that has “no scriptural grounds” and had “never been a definitive truth of the faith”. Such a conclusion revokes the catechism published by Pope St Pius X in 1904. So much for infallibility.
Great! So what? Catholics are finally getting some things right! – you may think. Until you look at the bigger picture. The purpose for this and many other changes is – ecumenism, bringing all “daughter” churches together. Last year (2005) a leading evangelical theologian Mark Noll has co-authored a book Is the Reformation Over?: An Evangelical Assessment of Contemporary Roman Catholicism. In which he concludes: Yes! The Reformation is over. There is no point for Evangelicals to keep apart in isolation from the Catholic church –mother of all Christian churches.
Wow! First Lutherans signed the treaty, then Calvinists, now – evangelicals, Anabaptists and followers of Wesley… Who’s next? What’s the catch? Little concession calls for a great price, little compromise costs the truth.
We have been entrusted with the Message of Revelation, the Message of three Angels (Revelation 14:6-12). We have been called to call people out from Babylon of churches for the hour of Judgment that is upon all. How are we doing it? We also believe that we are carriers of the Fourth Angel’s message (Revelation 18:1-3) – the final call to all in confusion to come out of falsity and escape God’s wrath. I am talking about the angel from whose glory the earth was lightened. We proudly claim the Remnant status emphasizing our keeping of the Commandments (Revelation 12:17). Let’s remind each other that that is only first identifying sign. Another characteristic is “having the Testimony of Jesus, being in tune with the Spirit of Prophecy. Just a few verses above (Revelation 12:11) John saw that the last-day church was overcoming this world not only “by the blood of the Lamb” – which is given; but also “by the word of their testimony.” That’s yours & mine! Overcoming by our testimony to people in the world around us.
How’s your testimony? Who have you shared Jesus with this week? Who have you called out of Babylon in the past few days? Have you forsaken offers of this world for God?
Is the Reformation over? Not at all! It continues by our testimony…
Evangelism is our calling, our purpose, our life. Are you in?
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