Caring is “joined at the hip” with prayer. Could you really care for someone without praying for them? Just stop here and think for a moment: how would it sound “I care for you but I don’t care enough to pray for you…” Ha?! In fact prayer is at the foundation of caring. Imagine how different our church, our family, our relationships would be if we would pray for each other. If you care about someone, or something – pray for them first before confronting them with your care… I don’t need to even prove my point here – bible simply says “pray without ceasing! (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Considering the upcoming evangelistic opportunities this fall – Doug Bachelor’s “Most Amazing Prophecies” & Shawn Boonstra’s “Sanctuary Presence” pray that God would remove indifference and apathy from among us, pray that god would make us truly caring, and as we carefully and caringly consider people we know we would care enough to share with them our blessed hope of Jesus’ soon return. Care enough to share about the fellowship of faith we have here in church. Care enough to share the invitation to the Evangelistic events.
Remember that Evangelism (SHARE!) works in churches that rank high in Loving Relationships (CARE) and Passionate Spirituality (PRAY!). To start – PRAY for each other, CARE one for another, and SHARE with others the blessing and grace that God has given you.