Recent (November 18) shooting of a teenager - Amon Beckles - a mourner at a funeral for Jamal Hemmings, himself a victim of gunshot slaying a few days earlier, held at the Toronto West Seventh-day Adventist Church, wakes the community of faith to accept the responsibility to positively influence our youth and to prevent escalation of violence in our communities.
Pastor Andrew King of Toronto West Adventist Church, Toronto mayor David Miller, Elder Derrick Nichols, president of the Ontario Conference and several religious leaders, were present at the Church service last Sabbath to support grieving families.
How do you see a church? What is a church for you? Recently I heard a comment "I can't come to a church! It would be hypocritical, because I made mistakes." I am sure you've heard people call church goers "hypocrites." Seems like most people see the church as a showcase for saints, a safe place of refuge where people are holy. Consequently, if you are not holy and perfect - what are you doing in the church?
That is not Biblical view of the Sanctuary. Why did people come to the Temple in Israel? Yes, to pray, to worship, to give thanks! The main reason a person would come is to bring their sins and to leave them behind. Get this: SINNERS CAME TO THE SANCTUARY TO DUMP THEIR SINS THERE.
We, the Seventh-day Adventist made one significant contribution to the Christendom: the SANCTUARY DOCTRINE! Study it, know it, for it is our mission to the dying world - calling people to the Sanctuary!
A garbage dump, a trash can, a waste compactor, a recycle bin - any of these apply to the Sanctuary, to the Church? That is how Israelites knew the Sanctuary. That is exactly what God intended to provide humanity with - a place where we can leave behind all our baggage, all things that beset us, all things that are broken and wasted, so we may live free, so we may receive innocence, Christ's purity and justification.
One day all the collected rubbish will be placed on the scape goat, the devil, where it really belongs. Until then, until the Sanctuary final cleansing - come, bring it, and dump when there's still time!
The Church is a safe place! But not because you and I are there. Because God is there. It is a Holy Place, a Place set apart just for this purpose - to free us from our mess. And it is Holy not because we are holy, but because God is Holy, and makes us too.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Saturday, November 19, 2005
When Christ came into the world, he said: "Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me." (Hebrews 10:5) And as you read the epistle you realize that the Body that God prepared for Christ was for the purpose of sacrifice.
It is interesting that same apostle Paul always emphasizes the fact that the Church is the Body of Christ. The Body that God has prepared for His Son. The Body that is left on Earth to do what Christ did while here on earth. And this Body we called Church is also called to be a sacrifice. We are called to offer our bodies as living sacrifices. (Romans 12:1) Such living is our "reasonable worship" (KJV), "spiritual act o worship" (NIV), or simply put - being sensible to what God has done for us. Is this too much to ask, to sacrifice your life for God?
Quite often we celebrate and emphasize diversity that exists in the Body: we are many different parts. Yet, the main emphasis in all this is the Unity of the Body. Just to think that we are the Body of Christ!
Whenever tragedy strikes people are asking "Where is God?" Philip Yancey suggests: "if the church would be where people are hurting, they wouldn't need to ask "Where is God?" they would see and know Him!"
The Church assembled, as a corporate Body of believers is Christ's Body on Earth. He is the Head of it. We do His Will in obedience.
Leaving this Earth Christ left his Legacy - the Church, as His Body. Spirit of Prophecy reminds us that "as members of the body of Christ all believers are animated by the same spirit and the same hope. Divisions in the church dishonor the religion of Christ before the world and give occasion to the enemies of truth to justify their course. Paul's instructions were not written alone for the church in his day. God designed that they should be sent down to us." (Ellen G. White, Testimonies to the Church, Vol.5, p.239)
Let us live pressing toward the goal, the high honor of being called the Body of Christ!
We are the Body that God has Prepared for our Lord. We are the Bride prepared for the Coming of Her Husband. We are the City whose architect is God. We are the Temple where God dwells. We are the Building of which Christ is Cornerstone. We are His Body!
It is interesting that same apostle Paul always emphasizes the fact that the Church is the Body of Christ. The Body that God has prepared for His Son. The Body that is left on Earth to do what Christ did while here on earth. And this Body we called Church is also called to be a sacrifice. We are called to offer our bodies as living sacrifices. (Romans 12:1) Such living is our "reasonable worship" (KJV), "spiritual act o worship" (NIV), or simply put - being sensible to what God has done for us. Is this too much to ask, to sacrifice your life for God?
Quite often we celebrate and emphasize diversity that exists in the Body: we are many different parts. Yet, the main emphasis in all this is the Unity of the Body. Just to think that we are the Body of Christ!
Whenever tragedy strikes people are asking "Where is God?" Philip Yancey suggests: "if the church would be where people are hurting, they wouldn't need to ask "Where is God?" they would see and know Him!"
The Church assembled, as a corporate Body of believers is Christ's Body on Earth. He is the Head of it. We do His Will in obedience.
Leaving this Earth Christ left his Legacy - the Church, as His Body. Spirit of Prophecy reminds us that "as members of the body of Christ all believers are animated by the same spirit and the same hope. Divisions in the church dishonor the religion of Christ before the world and give occasion to the enemies of truth to justify their course. Paul's instructions were not written alone for the church in his day. God designed that they should be sent down to us." (Ellen G. White, Testimonies to the Church, Vol.5, p.239)
Let us live pressing toward the goal, the high honor of being called the Body of Christ!
We are the Body that God has Prepared for our Lord. We are the Bride prepared for the Coming of Her Husband. We are the City whose architect is God. We are the Temple where God dwells. We are the Building of which Christ is Cornerstone. We are His Body!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
This week I have seen God move his people in many ways. Coming together at homes for prayer had been a wonderful experience. Many expressed a wish to carry on with house church / small group meetings. The inspiration and effectiveness is beyond challenge.
What you are experiencing is the nostalgia for the lost art of disciple-making. For almost a century already the Christian church had been loosing the Legacy of Our Lord Jesus. Let me explain! In the Signs of the Times, May 10, 1883 Ellen White wrote “The Son of God, leaving the royal courts of Heaven, takes not his position upon David's throne; but from the swaying seat of a fisherman's boat, speaks the words of eternal wisdom which are to be immortalized in the minds of his disciples and given to the world as the legacy of God."
Jesus left God’s Legacy to this world, and that Legacy is twofold: the Gospel Message and the Discipleship method. Gospel proclamation and discipling as a method for nurturing and spiritual growth are inseparable. Either one is ineffective without the other. That’s why attempts to preach without discipling fail to convert people. That’s why a 30 night evangelistic series needs a strong infrastructure of discipleship groups where people would be cared for.
- Achievement comes when you do great things for and by yourself.
- Success is when others are empowered to do achieve together with you.
- Significance comes when you develop others to do great things for you.
- Legacy comes when people will do great things without you.
Christ’s final promise to be with us until the end of the world is conditional on our living His Legacy. The Great Commission spelled in Matthew 28:19-20 to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” – is a condition that comes before Christ’s promise: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age." We can be sure of His presence only when we are living His Legacy of discipling others. Christ’s Legacy is our Mission.
Imagine a bird that has one wing clipped. Can it fly? Or will it simply go in circles? The church has two wings: Message & the Method, the Gospel & Discipleship, the Large Group celebration & Small Group nurturing.
Pray for God to restore His Legacy in our midst. Pray for God to raise up leaders for house churches. Pray for God to heal our broken wings that we may soar on His Spirit, seeing His Vision, empowered by His Legacy.
Currently the North Church is training a group of 8 leaders for future Small Groups, that should be ready by January to take responsibilities for nurturing believers. Similar training process at the South Church will begin in January. It’s time for the spiritually mature to invest in nurturing others.
So, let me remind you, if we truly are in the Message, we should not ever miss the method - DISCIPLESHIP.
What you are experiencing is the nostalgia for the lost art of disciple-making. For almost a century already the Christian church had been loosing the Legacy of Our Lord Jesus. Let me explain! In the Signs of the Times, May 10, 1883 Ellen White wrote “The Son of God, leaving the royal courts of Heaven, takes not his position upon David's throne; but from the swaying seat of a fisherman's boat, speaks the words of eternal wisdom which are to be immortalized in the minds of his disciples and given to the world as the legacy of God."
Jesus left God’s Legacy to this world, and that Legacy is twofold: the Gospel Message and the Discipleship method. Gospel proclamation and discipling as a method for nurturing and spiritual growth are inseparable. Either one is ineffective without the other. That’s why attempts to preach without discipling fail to convert people. That’s why a 30 night evangelistic series needs a strong infrastructure of discipleship groups where people would be cared for.
- Achievement comes when you do great things for and by yourself.
- Success is when others are empowered to do achieve together with you.
- Significance comes when you develop others to do great things for you.
- Legacy comes when people will do great things without you.
Christ’s final promise to be with us until the end of the world is conditional on our living His Legacy. The Great Commission spelled in Matthew 28:19-20 to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” – is a condition that comes before Christ’s promise: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age." We can be sure of His presence only when we are living His Legacy of discipling others. Christ’s Legacy is our Mission.
Imagine a bird that has one wing clipped. Can it fly? Or will it simply go in circles? The church has two wings: Message & the Method, the Gospel & Discipleship, the Large Group celebration & Small Group nurturing.
Pray for God to restore His Legacy in our midst. Pray for God to raise up leaders for house churches. Pray for God to heal our broken wings that we may soar on His Spirit, seeing His Vision, empowered by His Legacy.
Currently the North Church is training a group of 8 leaders for future Small Groups, that should be ready by January to take responsibilities for nurturing believers. Similar training process at the South Church will begin in January. It’s time for the spiritually mature to invest in nurturing others.
So, let me remind you, if we truly are in the Message, we should not ever miss the method - DISCIPLESHIP.
Saturday, November 5, 2005
Here we are, entering into a week of prayer. Have you been praying to be thrown off balance, out of your comfort zone and into the harvest? That challenge from Luke 10:2 is very much relevant for all of us today. This week we'll be praying for the Unity as we witness and live. That Unity is Spirit given and not of ourselves.
In conversation with Nicodemus Jesus said "the wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit," (John 3:8) speaking of unpredictability of the born-again believer. Christians are moved by Spirit - not by programs, not by human strategies, not by power of influencers, not by might of resources.
As we come and pray this week for the Revival - allow God to move you. It's comfortable to "hug trees" and stay immovable. It's risky to let go our comfortable perspectives. Yet, it's not trees that move the wind, but the Wind that makes us bend in His Direction. In Greek language word for Spirit & for Wind is one and the same – pneuma, making it interchangeable, empowering the metaphor.
The Nominating Committee has nearly completed its work, and will be contacting many of you with ministry placement assignments. Please allow the Wind to move you!
In the 80s the business world was all about making Mission & Vision Statements. The business world began to adapt Gospel's principles of influencing people. The Church institutions finally caught up to the trend and in the 90s churches began to rally toward creating Mission & Vision statements. Remember that? Some churches are still behind "catching up" to the trend. Altogether missing the point: we've got the Vision, we've got the Mission already!!!
We don't need people to reinvent the Gospel! The Great Commission of Jesus to the church in Matthew 28:19-20 has been spelled as our Mission 2000 years ago: "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." It's not about making ourselves attractive for some to COME. It's about us GOING!
The Vision for the Gospel Church was stated by Peter as "priesthood of all believers" (1st Peter 2:9) Simply put - the Mission will be accomplished when Every Believer becomes a Minister, according to the Gifts imparted by the Holy Spirit.
It's time for the Church to seize our purpose, accept what is given already - Mission & Vision - and allow the Spirit of God to move us.
Remember, the trees don't make wind! Beware - the inflexible trees get broken by the wind. The rootless trees get blow away by the wind. And the sound trees make sound!!!
In conversation with Nicodemus Jesus said "the wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit," (John 3:8) speaking of unpredictability of the born-again believer. Christians are moved by Spirit - not by programs, not by human strategies, not by power of influencers, not by might of resources.
As we come and pray this week for the Revival - allow God to move you. It's comfortable to "hug trees" and stay immovable. It's risky to let go our comfortable perspectives. Yet, it's not trees that move the wind, but the Wind that makes us bend in His Direction. In Greek language word for Spirit & for Wind is one and the same – pneuma, making it interchangeable, empowering the metaphor.
The Nominating Committee has nearly completed its work, and will be contacting many of you with ministry placement assignments. Please allow the Wind to move you!
In the 80s the business world was all about making Mission & Vision Statements. The business world began to adapt Gospel's principles of influencing people. The Church institutions finally caught up to the trend and in the 90s churches began to rally toward creating Mission & Vision statements. Remember that? Some churches are still behind "catching up" to the trend. Altogether missing the point: we've got the Vision, we've got the Mission already!!!
We don't need people to reinvent the Gospel! The Great Commission of Jesus to the church in Matthew 28:19-20 has been spelled as our Mission 2000 years ago: "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." It's not about making ourselves attractive for some to COME. It's about us GOING!
The Vision for the Gospel Church was stated by Peter as "priesthood of all believers" (1st Peter 2:9) Simply put - the Mission will be accomplished when Every Believer becomes a Minister, according to the Gifts imparted by the Holy Spirit.
It's time for the Church to seize our purpose, accept what is given already - Mission & Vision - and allow the Spirit of God to move us.
Remember, the trees don't make wind! Beware - the inflexible trees get broken by the wind. The rootless trees get blow away by the wind. And the sound trees make sound!!!
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